
3 Cloud Computing Trends to Look Out

Cloud Computing Trends – There was a time when if you had to keep your website online, you had to maintain a server and host it yourself. If the application failed load and stress test, then new hardware had to be brought and the server had to be upgraded. The same went for businesses as well. Even if it was a grocery company, they had to have an IT department to keep the system up and running. Besides the obvious lack of expertise, these practices drained considerable resources and often held the growth back.

Ubiquitous Cloud Computing technology has transformed the way companies do their business. Yahoo made it a directive that its employees must come to office daily while most businesses, on other hand, are discovering the benefits of allowing employees work from remote locations and needless to say such employees are turning out to be more productive. Most of the employees who decide to come to office wish to bring their own devices as they are more familiar with them. Who will want to bear hardware and infrastructure cost when the same results can be achieved without actually bearing any expense or will minimal setup?

Cloud computing has shook the way traditional IT business model had been working and suggested its own new way when it comes to their IT infrastructure – from applications to infrastructure, everything, providing them the liberty to do what they did best. This means businesses can now focus on their core product and customers, and experiment with marketing techniques without ever worrying if their site will crash or malfunction during peak hours. Along with enterprises and small businesses, the entire eCommerce, video streaming, and online gaming industry today virtually rest upon cloud services. The best part, however, is that the transformation isn’t done yet and there are a lot of new cloud computing trends that we can expect to witness in the year to follow. Let’s take a look at few of the most significant:

Top Cloud computing Trends:

Industry-specific clouds

Technology is not a one-size-fits-all domain. Still, from banking to retail to healthcare and more, virtually all of them are still served by the same basic set of cloud applications. This is something we can expect to change in coming days. Since there is a fundamental limit to the flexibility, stability, speed, and security that an application can have simultaneously, it is by varying their proportion that businesses can have a tailored application suited for their specific needs. After all, banks do require their cloud applications to be extremely secure, stable, and fast but may compromise a bit on flexibility. So as we move further, we can expect to see cloud applications make their transition from generalist to specialist categories.

Hybrid clouds

While it is not feasible to manage all required IT infrastructure and applications, outsourcing them all to cloud service providers do has its own overhead- loss of flexibility. Despite the fact that public clouds are more performant and feature-rich, they can’t possibly match the flexibility of in-house clouds. Also, as businesses acquire more personal data of their users, there are security and regulatory reasons for them to store such on-premises. So instead of putting all stakes in the public or private cloud, deploying hybrid clouds- the mix of both, now seems to be the optimum business strategy.

This means more businesses are definitely going to adopt hybrid clouds in their long-term strategy and going to be the pivotal point.

Gear up for IoT

If you haven’t noticed, we are going through one of the most explosive phases of IoT expansion- aptly reflected in this report from Cisco:

Since these IoT devices need to be always online and work in real-time, such consistency and power can only be delivered by cloud computing. So it won’t be an overstatement if we say that this massive development in cloud computing is actually built on the back of cloud services. That is, the graph above not only shows the expected growth in IoT devices but also subsequent growth in the demand of cloud applications to manage them. A sneak peak into gives an idea that this year has the steepest growth ever- signaling that there is a parallel boom in cloud applications coming as well.

Closing Remarks

Unlike many other technologies, cloud computing is currently in a very unique phase- it has long passed its initial phase and gained the confidence of all industries but still isn’t matured enough to serve them based on unique requirements. This is where we as cloud application developers come into play. If you want to leverage the immense benefits of cloud, we can create custom cloud applications for you to make the most out of your business prospects.