
4 Crucial Reasons Why Big Data Can Be a Boon to E-commerce

Operating in the E-commerce domain is not an easy thing. Businesses have to face myriad challenges and hurdles to achieving their short-term goals, but what’ important to note here is their passion for pursuing their dreams.

No matter how trivial the circumstances are and how difficult the path to success is, they gather strength to overcome, which ultimately makes them a winner.

E-commerce business has a lot of obstacles, which you, as a business owner, needs to explore, rectify and execute. The talking makes sense, but achieving the desired goals is certainly a task. Governed by standard principles and systematic procedures, E-commerce offers business owners a tough time throughout their journey.

An artistic approach allied to an innovative procedure is required to deny the failure. This is where Big Data plays a crucial role. The right balance alliance between Big Data and E-commerce can skyrocket your business in just few months, only if done correctly.

Here, we unleash five specific reasons why your E-commerce business needs Big Data as a companion to achieve big results.

1. Dynamic Price Mechanism

The fluidity in E-commerce domain can’t be denied. Data interpretation and data modeling require an automatic mechanism to take control of the dynamic elements of an e-commerce website. Price is one of the elements, which needs a regular revision and update, after analyzing the market competition.

Users research well before picking up a product from a website. If they find prices on your website reasonable then you are a hit, else they’ll switch to some other website for the same. So, it’s important to have a mechanism for constant analysis of competitor’s activities. Doing the same manually isn’t feasible, which in turn, calls for data analytics tools.

The amount of data to be analyzed for an action to take place is huge. Major website owners make use of Big Data analytics for better scrutiny and analysis of the available data. This makes life easier for web development agencies as they can now access their competitors’ move, market shift and much more in a more convenient way.

2. Conversion Funnel Widens

Conversion is the ultimate goal for an E-commerce agency. Unless the visitors convert into customers, the traffic coming in is of no use. Earlier, businesses used to rely on A/B testing, feedback, surveys and several other analysis methods to realize how the goal of conversion can be achieved.

But now with Big Data, the technology has advanced so much so that every single step of the visitor can be tracked. This can help in gauging the journey of converted visitors to that of who did not convert into real customers. The resultant data will aid in letting you know what went wrong or what can be done to hit the bullseye.

3. Customized targeting

There are multiple users visiting your website every day. It is quite obvious that they won’t have similar choices, tastes or interests. It’s important to know the taste of each visitor coming to your website so that you can provide a customized experience.

Big data lets you access, analyze and inspect user’s browsing history, preferences, behavior and more that can help you in strategizing personalized marketing campaigns. It’s a proven fact that personalized marketing campaigns perform better as compared to the generic ones. So, advise your marketing team to shoot customized offer emails to the users for more satisfactory results.

4. Inventory management

Inventory is one of the crucial aspects of an E-commerce website to handle. There are huge chunks of stocks or products, which need to be handled and stored. The cost incurred on warehouses as well as on the products’ security and safety is immense. Hence, a potent tool for analysis is required to steer the ship to the desired port.

Big data analytics along with predictive analytics come in the picture here to offer supernatural powers to business owners so that optimum utilization of the available resources can be done.

Final words

Some of the big tech giants have already implemented Big Data as a routine while other medium-sized organizations and small enterprises are yet to discover this magical world. It’s probably due to expenses required in Big Data analytics tools and skilled manpower. No wonder, both are expensive affairs and presently a shortage prevails for both. However, with time, we are likely to witness more companies taking this route and grow their business models like never before.

Expert in developing the web as well as mobile applications, we, at Konstant Infosolutions, have served clients globally. If you have anything that needs a technical and a professional assistance, mail us your requirements, and our representative will get in touch with you at the earliest.