
9 Top Backend Frameworks for Web App Development in 2024

There are hundreds of programming languages, frameworks, and subsequent applications covering nearly every aspect of various web technologies such as PHP, HTML, XML, AJAX, ASP.NET, Servlets, and JSP. Implementing various concepts of each web technology helps you to master the entire spectrum of Web Technologies.

If you do not have any idea about what – if’s and how – about’s of a framework, go with the one with a comprehensive and flexible environment that enables the quick building of high functionality applications and focuses on medium to large–scale web projects.

Programming trends in 2024, consistently follow – Cloud, Container, Programming, Database, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, DevOps, Software Architecture, Software Development, Web, App, Batch, Streaming, Low Code, No Code, API

Most Popular Backend Frameworks


The programming languages that serve a purpose, that are popular, their ability to serve at the client-side and at server-side, and some remarkable features like being lightweight, dynamic typing, Interpreted, Object-oriented programming support, Client-side validation, and Huge Community support.

Node.js couples with JavaScript to enable server-side operations. It uses Express.js as its server-side framework. It also develops application programming interfaces (APIs) for web, mobile, hybrid, single and multi-page applications.



C# is the primary programming language for the .Net framework. C# is a multi-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language, static typing, and lexically scoped, imperative, declarative, generic, functional, object-oriented, component-oriented programming disciplines. C# is extensively used with the .Net framework, MS SQL database, and Visual Studio Development Environment. It has a rich set of libraries to help the inefficient development process.



Golang is an alternative to Flutter and Kotlin, backed by Google. It focuses on simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. It is a statically typed, compiled programming language. It is similar to C, but with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP style concurrency. Go is short for Golang, and it enables developers to create scalable, and secure web applications efficiently. It offers multithreading, garbage collection, learnability, readability, package management, a powerful standard library, concurrency support, high-performance and quick compilation.



PERL is a backend plus frontend framework. It follows a stricter separation of the business logic, URL, request routing and output. Perl has several frameworks and toolkits that are created to aid in making web development easier. These are Catalyst, Dancer, and Mojolicious. Perl can be used with ReactJS, as a web frontend, and along with Java applications. PERL can also be used with CakePHP, or Core PHP for convention-over-configuration patterns and also speeds up the development.


Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side application framework that imbibes DRY and MVC. It is used for creating a bug-free database. It effectively combines JavaScript, CSS, HTML for creating applications. It helps developers achieve more with less code. Organizations like Zendesk, GitHub, Shopify, Hulu, Netflix, Airbnb, Crunchbase, Bloomberg use Ruby on Rails in their applications.



Laravel is a server-side PHP programming language to build full-stack apps. It is a modular packaging system with dependency management. It comes with a complete authentication system, object-relational mapping, eloquent ORM, command-line interface (CLI), automated testing, portable – virtual development environment. Organizations like Razorpay, Kmong, 9GAG, Pfizer, BBC, Ratio, About you, TourRadar use Laravel web development.



Django is one of the best Python frameworks, works as a free solution and helps build database-driven complex websites. It is best for enterprise-level interactive applications. All components in this framework work together and hence do not require any third-party plugins. Best Django Apps include Spotify, DropBox, and Washington Post. This framework can be used in XML, JSON, and HTML formats. Organizations like Spotify, Instagram, Mozilla, National Geographic, Pinterest, Bitbucket are using it in their interfaces. Find the best Django development company for web application development.



Flask is a micro-framework written in Python. There is no form validation, database abstraction layer, pre-existing library. It has extensive support for extensions capable of inserting features into web applications. It is used by organizations like LinkedIn, Netflix, CRED, trivago, Lyft, Reddit, Lyft, Airbnb, Mozilla, Uber, MIT.



Express is a backend development framework in high–demand that operates for Node.js. Express is an open-source Javascript framework for building single-page, multi-page, hybrid web applications. It is free, very useful for creating dynamic websites and web applications. It gels with MongoDB, NoSQL database, Angular.js, Node.js to handle multiple types of requests like GET, PUT, and POST, DELETE requests. Organizations like Accenture, Myntra, MuleSoft, Myspace, Twitter, Intuit, PLAID, Stack, Bepro Company use Express in their applications.


Let’s peek into some more (Illustrative)

Frameworks Programming Language Famous Apps Famous Websites
Express.js, React, Vue, Angular JavaScript Netflix, Candy Crush, Facebook Facebook, Google, eBay
Javalin, KTor, Spark Kotlin Square



Play, Akka, Chaos Scala Finagle by Twitter


Apache Kafka

Apache, APR, ASL C++ Adobe Photoshop

Microsoft Office

Mozilla Firefox

Catalyst, Dancer, TAP Perl IMDB



.Net, Xamarin, Unity C# Visual Studio

Windows Installer


GoDaddy, Marketwatch, Stack Overflow
Blade, Dropwizard, GWT Java NASA WorldWind



LinkedIn, IRCTC, Yahoo
Laravel, Cake PHP, Symphony PHP Yahoo



WordPress, MailChimp, Flickr
Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Padrino Ruby GitHub



Airbnb, Shopify, Slideshare
Django, Flask, CherryPy Python Instagram, Google, Spotify Spotify, Pinterest, Instacart
Go Dropbox, SoundCloud, Dailymotion



Selection of the best backend technology for your project depends upon different parameters such as budget, expertise, the complexity of the project, dealing with a database, level of expertise, transparency of accessing code, level of support, etc. PHP7, PERL, SQL have always been the basic building blocks of backend development. Backend developers cover all languages (discussed above) and test them by writing files, and sample projects with database connection, extracting information from the database and displaying the same with HTML tables, HTML forms, PHP database connection scripts etc. There are always data types, operators, conditionals, and loops, along with pattern matching, regular expressions, server-side programming, debugging options, and deployment techniques. Schedule a call with us to discuss your project requirements!