
Letter from CEO on 12th Anniversary

Dear employees and clients,

When we began in 2003, we were a few people in a small infrastructure, with hopes and visions, positive and high. With our sincere efforts and honest attempts, we gradually tried to capture the web and mobile application development market. Since then, we have grown to become a leading service provider in the mobile application, web development, and e-commerce development market across the globe.

Started with a very few members, we have gradually reached to a superlative team of more than 170 employees. The start-up of our team-building commenced with the dream of becoming an eminent and recognized name in the industry of mobile and web development. Moreover, the figure of 170+ is just a milestone that we have created; we have several more miles to go by providing a platform to those talented people who have got the passion of achieving something excellent in life. We are also thriving towards building up an image of our company and country both by delivering quality services and assistance to our clients and partners.

As we are celebrating the 12th anniversary of Konstant, I really feel proud and blessed when I look back at the journey of these significant and remarkable years. Konstant has come through a lot of ups and downs in all these years, and has emerged as one of the top mobile and web app development firm in India.

So while it is real fun to look back, it is equally exciting to look forward, which matters the most.

Konstant has always been an incredible assortment of dedicated and trustworthy people who have the zeal of working hard as a team. The reputation that we have earned as a service provider is well-deserved as we have earned it after a lot of toil. For this, my sincere thanks goes to my loyal and incredible team. I also hope that all the employees, working in Konstant have been having a challenging, stimulating, exciting, and a continuous learning and developmental experience.

Apart from this, we also have a powerful client base without whom our hard work and toil would be worthless. Our initial clients are still cordially in touch with us, which is a proof of our client retention level. Our sincere gratitude goes out to all our clients, old and new. Moreover, the appreciations and testimonials from the clients have also been an inspiring and stimulating spree.

Announcing Next Milestones

Looking forward to future prospects, I believe in seeing many more great experiences, more expansion, growth and excitement. The next milestone that we want to enhance is bestowing the users with an amazing user experience. We will surely be entering into, and adapting new technologies, markets, and products. We also have been successful in riding the technology wave that has been thrown at us over the last 12 years, and I completely trust on our team that it will continue to perform the same. Other than working hard, we must also promise to each other that we will carry on our trait of providing the customers maximum value and quality commitment. No doubt we will be facing challenges again, but I equally believe in the factor that our compelling crew will meet it again successfully.

Let’s create a team together!

Thank you

Vipin Jain