
Highlights of First Saturday of November 2019 @ Konstant

Konstant celebrates art, creativity, and diversity every first Saturday of the month. Every sponsored event is based on a theme selected per the festivals and season, offering a mix of knowledge and entertainment to the staff.

Employees can attend in the realm of few hours (5:45 pm till 7:15 pm) an interesting mix of music, dance performances (optional), games, lucky draws; they can walk around, interact with different teams and can even dance on the vibes offered by DJ’s mix as the party unfolds.

To give a foretaste of what a next First Saturday of a month looks like at Konstant, let me share my experience this past Saturday. Walking by the Cafeteria around 5:30 pm or later, you could feel a different vibe around by a mix of various teams, all steamed up surrounding the terrace lounge, waiting for their friends to join or for the next event on the agenda. This laid-back atmosphere eases the interaction of people from different spooky corners, across different verticals and floors and the age range.

The inside of the cafeteria was as busy as the outside with people walking through the galleries, commenting, discussing, or arguing their understanding and perception of art. This Saturday, the highlight was the games based on ‘Halloween’.

The festival of darkness started about 2000 years ago. It is thought to have been originated with ancient Gaelic festival (Celtic day) of ‘Samhain’ – marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year; when people would light bonfires and wear scary costumes to ward off roaming ghosts.

Facts about Halloween

Games Exclusives @ Konstant

All the spooks and monsters were out that night, even scarier than malevolent spirits. As the evening spread out, lucky draw winners were announced:

  1. Ms. Reena Sharma (PHP)
  2. Mr. Rakib Ansar (QA)

“Into the darkness and the hush of night slowly the landscape sinks and fades away. And with it fade the phantoms of the day. The ghosts of men and things that haunt the light.”

When black cats prowl in spooky galore, pumpkins gleam as Jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and goblins have been broken; let the spell begin as the scary witches go riding; with creepy laughs and whispers, whooo wants candy? For us, the first Saturday of the month is one to wait for because it is an opportunity to learn, have fun, and embrace Konstant’s culture a bit more. Keeping up with our motto: Never stop having fun…ghostly greetings…Witching You a Happy Halloween!!