
How to Make It Difficult For Hackers to Access Your Website?

Internet is crime-ridden, and not every one of us, with an online presence, is secure. We need to follow the necessary steps to decrease the chances of victimizing them.

Every business owner owns a company website, but it is not that simple to secure it. Or otherwise, not everyone has the right tools or mindset to know what it takes to safeguard a corporate website that protects user data and financial information.

Hackers have been perching on content management systems like WordPress – a blogging platform by business owners. Also, Laravel platforms became popular, which led hackers to take advantage of the template-based and custom websites to steal data from business owners – unaware of the security measures necessary to protect their online assets.

Securing your favourite IDE – Android Studio, Visual Studio, VS Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, and X Code, becomes tricky. Often, companies that build original websites with content management systems (CMS) require ‘code’, and development for additional security; It helps them abstain from the chances of cyber-security attacks in future.

Vulnerabilities: How Can You Identify A Security Breach?

A cybersecurity breach cannot be repetitive. Conforming to the adage, “Once bitten twice shy” once to straighten your boundaries, you won’t want any bystanders to intrude. There are several common ways that hackers infiltrate a website. Hackers seek:

Let’s discuss:

Such issues are annoying and can seriously harm a company’s reputation, churning its motto. Small businesses are more vulnerable as their setup is usually based upon CMS, and they often lack appropriate support to resolve such emergency issues.

Types of Cyber Attacks

It can be via – (1) SQL Injection, (2) Path traversal, (3) OS Command Injection, (4) IDAP Injection, (5) NoSQL Injection, (6) Local File Inclusion, (7) Deserialization of untrusted data.

When an application, organization entity inadvertently exposes personal data, it could lead to weak encryption, no encryption, software flaws, and database mismatch. It leads to ‘exposing’ personal information. To prevent this from happening, organizations require using unique and complex passwords for all online accounts – Monitor their bank and other financial ‘accounts’ – Frequently check their credit report – Make use of secure URLs. Implement high-quality security software. Consider an identity theft protection or credit monitoring service.

It enables attackers to inject malicious code/scripts into existing website code. It bypasses access controls.

It takes over multiple accounts, allowing an attacker to access all the internal files without appropriate authentication. It bypasses – keys or session tokens, passwords, user account information, and other details to assume user identities.

It is a security failure when servers or a web application fail to respond. It occurs in-absence-of implementing appropriate security controls or doing so with errors.

In this case, users are not able to act according to their will. They get access to only a part of the website. It leads to unauthorized disclosure of information, modification or destruction of data.

It happens in-absence-of proper monitoring when the system stays awake even after a security breach.

In this case, hackers exploit the XML and use it against web applications that process XML inputs. Attackers supply XML with DOCTYPE definitions to perform attacks like denial of service, remote code execution, or server-side request forgery (SSRF).

Security Tips: How to Secure a Website?

You should consider these security best practices to secure a website against cyber-attacks:

How Much Does It Cost To Secure A Website?

The cost to secure a website depends upon the cost of software upgrades, the technology stack and the web platform, the tools, integrated development environment and database. It also includes the cost to purchase hosting, domain and testing tools.


As you plan to have a small – comprehensive website of your own, you imagine it to showcase your offerings and simultaneously bring your business a step closer to your target audience. But that small website requires a set of essential features for its safety and to avoid any intrusion. If built with CMS and third-party plugins, it is risky. A cybersecurity breach can negatively affect your business operations. And you might take days – weeks – months to recover.

But, if you do not have the resources to bring your operations back to business, you might require complete redesigning and redeveloping, which will also cut your business revenue. While there is no sure-short way, you might custom code as the best security measure to protect your website from hacking attacks. Let our web developers help you in securing your website; contact us!