
Kicking off 2024 the Right Way: New Year Celebrations @ Konstant

Be happy as you have entered another New Year, which is full of surprises, hopes, happiness, health, and a lot more that is hidden in it.

Be happy as you are awaiting a good chance to prove your mettle in the first month of 2024. Wear your seat belts, get hold of your roles and responsibilities, and put on your reading glasses (if any), and immerse yourself into work. Make people envy your results.

Be happy as you have another chance to mend your relations with your friends, pals, colleagues, and bosses. Leaving behind all the bitterness and fights of the year gone by. Say sorry, if you want to. Move ahead with new/old friends all around you.

Be happy as a new set of festival awaits you. The festive waves will start with kite flying on Makar Sankranti and will give you a loaded ride until the end of 2024.

Be happy as you can learn new hairstyles, braids, tie and shoe knots, and a lot styling this year. Just to present yourself better. Learning good communication skills will be another feather in your cap.

Be happy as the New Year will add one more year to your age. Some of you might get a new mobile phone, a new car, or a new house, or even a new designation, a new salary. We hope you get more than you have dreamt of. Please take good care of whatever you receive, and get the fullest out of it.

Be happy as you could learn new hobbies, start working out, and try to be fit, or crash all diet goals, whatever pleases your soul. Go ahead, make a list and share it with your work colleagues, so that they can help you manage it.

Be happy and show your gratitude to everyone. This is the biggest quality one can possess. Imbibe it in your initial years of work. Be it saying thank you, please, sorry, appreciating someone, or showing kindness and respect.

Be happy if you failed to do something last year. President APJ Abdul Kalam said, “First Attempt in Learning” & E.N.D means “Effort Never Dies”.

Exciting Activities Were Planned

Fortunate Spin Extravaganza

Two lucky members got movie vouchers:

  1. Niranjan S.09
  2. Ravindra B.

Drum Up the New year Excitement!

Be happy as you can learn from all the mistakes of the previous year. Here is a chance to get it right. Make a New Year resolution, without making it public. Cheers!