
How Konstant is Responding to COVID-19: Back to Business

As we prepped to safely reopen our office, we solemnly underwent a short self-assessment survey of our COVID-19 response. This initial assessment was to benchmark our current vs. Intended state of “return to work” readiness – where we are and where we need to go!

We took some moments to think through reopening concerns related to basic compliance, workplace testing and hygiene, and mid-to-long-term planning, hoping to build resiliency and avoid any setbacks.

Post-Pandemic Self-assessment (to continue placid operations)

We self-assessed ourselves before bugging out to the office. Major considerations were:

Many experts believe COVID-19 may remain in society as an ongoing concern for a year or more. These points assess factors that may influence our mid and long term plans.

We Understand (as it relates to returning to our office)

Re-opening the Business

Following strict lockdown procedures, regular health check measures and abiding by the state guidelines, Netherlands recently set its mark as being the very first COVID-19 free country in the world. Likewise, American/European/Middle East/Australians/Asian workplaces are as well revving into action. As the central and state governments gradually ease the closure orders and allow businesses to re-open (battered by the economic costs of the lockdown), it is now our responsibility as owners/stakeholders of our business to ensure the safety of our employees and clients.

So We’re Ready

It took us time, patience and practice to manifest the big changes that lie ahead in daily routines, office layout and corresponding corporate policies.

By changing nothing, nothing changes. Post-pandemic, massive change is the cure-all. All the employees have worked incredibly hard in recent months and have undergone great sacrifices. To ensure their safety, we have made some necessary changes to our HR policies:

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We can’t predict if workplaces will be “forever changed” but some of these changes may last for months or even years. For the coming few months, office space will feel a bit like a biohazard containment area. Of course, there is much for reopening businesses to do, but we are up for the task with more than half of the executives back to office location.

It is an overwhelming feeling to find that our Safety Warriors are on their toes to keep us safe. As the pandemic looks to science for solutions, in the absence of proper cure or vaccine the focus is on testing, tagging and tracking significantly cutting down the transmission, planning for post-lockdown scenarios. We are doing our bit to contain the spread of COVID-19 by following some simple precautionary measures like:

1. Sanitization

Our employees are our most valuable asset and we recognize the trust you place in us. Our safety warriors have created a shield of safety for you and your surroundings.

We have increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitization in our office premises. High touch surfaces and frequently used devices are being disinfected multiple times a day.

As an additional safe practice, we wash and disinfect all vehicles that enter the campus.

Our staff members use Aarogya Setu App for contact tracing and identifying personal risks.

2. Cleaning Desks

Office helpers are advised to regularly sanitize the door handles, desks, chair multiple times in a day. They have been working from 8:00 AM through 6:00 PM and have been making use of Disinfectant Manual Backpack Sprayer to disinfect and clean every nook and corner within the premises.

3. Employee Entrance Process

We have ensured mandatory temperature screening of our staff using infrared contactless thermometers every time employees enter the office premises.

We have marked spots – 3-feet apart, on the campus floor to help staff maintain a safe distance from each other.

All employees, including office helpers, are advised to wear face masks and change it every two days or wash it daily, as a safety protocol.

All staff members sanitize their hands as they enter the office premises. Sanitizers are kept at every high touch location like attendance panel, cafeteria, pantry, and their respective department entrance.

4. Tea Preparation and Serving

We have made it mandatory for all the office helpers to wear a disposable shower cap, clinical gloves, Face Shields, N-95 face masks. They assure that beverages are prepared and served with the utmost safety measures.

We strive to bring work on the track at the earliest, by changing the work patterns to minimize close-up interactions, if required.

Hearing From the HR/Administrators Desk

The changes could have big impacts on office space decisions and an almost instant knock-on effect on the commercial market. What plans do they lay ahead?

Where should we go from here?

While most of us believe that work-from-home feels good if it is by choice and not while it is imposed. Perhaps a reasonable assumption implies that this period of remote working has normalized the practice sufficiently that it will become a more consistent part of working life.  Interestingly, given the cultural challenges surrounding remote work, from the pre-pandemic towards the post-pandemic era, it is perceived that such flexibility does appear to be being offered for those with day-care challenges, but this leaves an inherent feeling that remote working is the preserve of women who have childcare responsibilities rather than something for all to utilize. It remains an option for those people who feel uncomfortable returning to the office.

We hope to overcome this post-lockdown fear with the great feat, practicing precaution at every step to help keep each other safe. We’ve resumed working from our office, in compliance with Local Government guidelines, cheers!