
Essential Considerations While Hiring Laravel Developers

By all means, Laravel is an open-source framework based on a hypertext preprocessor. It swears by the Model View Controller architectural pattern and object-oriented programming protocol. It is highly favored for modern web application development. Laravel’s powerful toolkit and clean code make it ideal for web developers. It facilitates highly functional and resourceful applications with neat routing, an elegant queue library, ORM, and authentication. Also, setting encryption keys, URLs and virtual hosts is part of the Laravel app development process towards the end.

Laravel eases many tasks that are not supplemented by other similar PHP frameworks. To name a few – (1) Migrating the app to MVC compliant framework, (2) Using Modular Packaging System, (3) Using the ORM and the query Builder, (4) Using restful controllers, (5) Using templating engine, (6) Working with Routes and Controllers.

Prerequisites to Laravel Development

Why Choose Laravel Development?

As discussed earlier, it is an open-source, highly loved, highly flexible, clean coding framework that is easy to set up and use. It facilitates highly functional web applications which are secure, and fast. It is woven around MVC architecture, is easy to unit test, and Blade template engine, database migration, and robust security. Laravel code is precise, its syntax is elegant and far from complicacy. It puts amazing functionality in place and brings about thoughtful developer experience. Laravel can be combined with Vue.JS to create frontends without reloading the pages every time the application is updated. Virtual DOM helps in easily responding to the pages without affecting the web performance. Alternatively, Laravel can be combined with AngularJS for quicker performance, responsive delivery, and the Restful nature of JSON.

What Can Laravel Do For Your Web Applications?

Laravel is powered by AWS. It comes with some incredible software tools that imbibe migrations, authentication, powerful blade templates, ORM, and inversion control. It modifies powerful file systems, OAuth, mail queues, routine functional features, and third-party integration.

What Are The Advantages Of Using The Laravel Web Development Framework?

What to Consider While Hiring Laravel Developers?

Web developers with proper knowledge of Laravel can push the boundaries of possibilities and open myriad development opportunities. The emergence of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), GPS, AI, VR, AR, and Laravel suffices all the requirements adequately. Laravel developers who build, update and deploy web apps easily adapt to digital environments amidst lurking competition. They bolster their business with adequate web applications. Laravel programmers can develop ecommerce solutions, web solutions, cloud solutions, CMS, migration, and up-gradation services.

Who Is Eligible To Become A Laravel Developer?

In no particular order, a potential web (PHP) developer who aspires to code in Laravel must be aware of the PHP Programming language.

They must have a knowledge of MVC and object-oriented programming; MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, C++, Active Server Pages, and project management frameworks.

They should focus on the tools, techniques, processes, and tasks that are outlined in SDLC. It gels up with Agile and waterfall project development methodologies.

Also, you Laravel heroes must be up-to-date with the latest updates, GitHub, repositories, libraries, supportive frameworks, database, programming languages, development environment, dependencies, third-party integrations, and extraneous loopholes that are bound to emerge and fall off during successful Laravel app integration.

Larvel PHP Developers must have a know-how of cloud computing and API. It is good to be aware of the latest cloud computing technologies like AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc. Additionally perceiving server administration tools like Apache, and Nginx, are must-haves.  They must be experient in handling various APIs like RESTful SOAP, OOP, and MVC.

To boot, efficacious communication skills, team spirit, problem-solving, and creative thinking ability are very desirable.

How to Hire a Laravel Developer?

After knowing the essential Laravel Developer skills, the process to choose the best PHP web developers in Laravel becomes pertinent. Moving ahead with all these hints, simply set your requirements – what you are looking for, what are your project requirements, what technical expertise you seek, and who should be hired – a nascent programmer or an experienced person?

Shortlist the resumes, scan candidates’ skillsets and plan the interview or the written round as feasible. Dot if they have handled similar projects earlier?

Next, set up a solid recruitment process with a set of jury, challenging questions – technical and HR, follow the basic steps of writing and posting the job description, and do not mind going beyond headhunting! Consider for instance, that while they might be satiated at their current jobs, you can leverage your job offering by offering them benefits that they cannot refuse!

Select the type of developer you wish to hire. They may be in-house – dedicated, or freelance/remote programmers according to the hourly or fixed budget, availability, time zone difference, language, and other perks. It can be noted that while freelancers fit in the budget, hiring in-house programmers can be a good choice for the companies as they can be contacted directly in case of need. And of course, hiring dedicated Laravel developers can offer the benefits of affordability and continuous support. If you are on a budget and your development requirements are big, you can hire an in-house Laravel programmer. Alternatively, hire Laravel developers.

Next and the final step in the hiring process is to interview the chosen candidates. Once they clear all written levels, they can be called up for a one-on-one round of interviews. Their skills can be tested against the ones mentioned in their resume, plus all that is not mentioned in black and white.

Laravel Use Cases

Testing Dependencies: Why Should You Use Laravel Framework for Web Development?

Laravel features many security features that reduce vulnerabilities and seamlessly integrate with valid token forms or AJAX calls. It seals the deal by being the best PHP framework due to its functionality, simplicity, and clarity. Caching helps in quick application development. Laravel personalizes web applications with the best syntax, best coding practices, reduced development time, and higher coding efficiency. Web development companies in Laravel development are able to handle highly extensive full-stack models with their expressive codebase. Laravel developers help build resilient web applications that carry the potential of driving the brand and tasks all in one fell swoop and simultaneously cater to industries like banking, digital marketing, healthcare, tourism, media, and entertainment. To learn more about how we can help you, please schedule a call!