
Monolithic vs Microservices: Which Web App Architecture to Prefer?

Application components communicate with each other via web application architecture. It is the way a client connects to the server that makes architecture unique. There are many different ways that these two combine: A server can connect with multiple clients, or a server can connect with one single client.

Architectures foster the relationships and interactions (communication) between components such as user interfaces, transaction processing, and databases. It binds and makes all elements work together correctly.

How does System Architecture for Web Application work?

Every application consists of a front-end and a back-end. The front-end is the UI/UX part, and the back-end operates the database. Users interact with the interface (presentation layer), and the back end handles the business logic and HTTP requests. There can be various ways for a server to communicate with its client systems.

As an example: Users fill in the contact us form (interface), and the details get saved into the application database. This process completes the web application architecture.

Users -> interacts with Client Side with HTML + CSS + JavaScript -> requests server side for business logic PHP, Java, .Net -> sends request to database with MySQL, PostgreSQL

Basis Components of Web Application Architecture

Layers of Web App Architecture:

Which web architecture should you prefer?

The app logic distribution throughout the web application decides the type of the web application. The most common web application architectures are:

  1. Single-page web apps – It loads all required information when you load the page. E.g. Gmail, Facebook, Slack, Twitter
  2. Multi-page web apps – These are large applications where servers send solutions to reload across client browsers.
  3. Microservices Architecture – It lets developers create a web app with a set of small services. Developers create and deploy every component separately. It is suitable for large applications where every block works independently – Netflix, PayPal, Spotify, Uber etc.
  4. Monolithic Architecture – It consists of database, client-side, and server-side. The back-end and front-end tasks evolve via one codebase. Therefore, if any changes are required, then developers need to rewrite the entire application.
  5. Server-less architecture – Serverless architecture often refers to a platform as a service (PaaS) or function as a service (FaaS). It is preferable if you need to host a small number of functions. It is suitable for simple applications. It is a design pattern that hosts a third-party service, eliminating the need to manage software and hardware. The app bifurcates into individual functions that are invoked and scaled.
  6. Progressive web apps – Progressive web applications are web-based solutions designed to act like Native applications on mobile devices. It offers offline access, push notifications, installing on the home screen of the mobile device. It includes web programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API like NFC API, Geolocation API, Bluetooth API etc.

Differences: Monolithic vs Microservices

As part of the current discussion, let’s discuss Monolithic and Micro-services in detail.

Monolithic Applications

Monolithic architecture is built as one system and is usually one codebase.

Features and Advantages


Microservices Applications

Microservices architecture is a small independent module based on business functionality. Each small micro-service is a small application with hexagonal architecture that consists of business logic along with adapters. Microservices also expose REST, RPC, message-based API and implement a web UI. It significantly impacts the cord between the application and the database. Each service has its database schema, independent of each other. In this architecture, APIs for mobile, desktop and web apps interact with the back end services via API gateway, which handles load balancing, caching, access control, monitoring and API metering.

Features and Advantages

Micro-services architecture handles larger and complex applications with multiple modules and multiple databases. It works on modular components and services. Micro-services architecture helps manage data sets, leverage cloud storage, automation and deploy solutions.


Conclusive: Why everyone prefers Microservices Architecture for Web Application?

We have discussed six different types of service architectures for web app development here. We prefer Micro-services as it is scalable with a rate of 22.5%. It brings in the idea to split the application into small interconnected services instead of building a single monolithic application. But this approach is at odds with the enterprise-wide data model, and also, it often results in duplication of some data. This architecture is widely accepted because having a database schema per service ensures loose coupling. Each service has its database. For details on how we implement it, contact us here!