
Spotlight Overview: When Our Clients Endear Us with 5-Stars (Flashback)

Technology is constantly changing and it’s easy to get swept up in wanting the newest gadget or software. We focus on our team’s needs more than chasing the new technology. As boundaries between work and life blur, it can be challenging to ensure that work doesn’t take over everything. We are a big believer in capping a workweek at 40 hours. Anything that can’t be done in 40 hours can wait until the next day or next week. That’s because 50, 60, or 80-hour weeks aren’t sustainable. In an emergency, they can be done once in a while, but keeping it up consistently doesn’t produce the best results.

It’s a fine line to embrace technology without blindly chasing every new release. Finding that balance to provide our teams with the innovative technology they need and will use moves our company forward. Going forward, we periodically run a technology audit, collect data on best technology decisions, and have a practical perspective.

Clients may exclaim that just because we are putting in a lot of hours doesn’t mean we are producing good work; we can spend extra hours on bad work. Most of the time the best ideas and new innovations come after people come back to a problem refreshed.  Working until you are beyond exhausted and stressed doesn’t usually lead to breakthroughs.

But also, we don’t want our businesses to slow and sales opportunities to drop because some employees think they’re too good to work 10 – 7 like everyone else. Recently we made it happen for a few of our employees to choose their schedules and make their own working hours. And the results are in front of everyone to witness. Here’s what our clients said after we successfully delivered the work. 

December 22, 2022

 December 21, 2022

November 24, 2022

October 6, 2022


July 4, 2022

Here’s are the review in detail: https://bit.ly/3QQdbmg

Working the predictable 10 AM – 7 PM keeps everyone on the same page. It’s easier to schedule meetings and ensure teams are actually working together because management doesn’t have to juggle many different schedules. When everyone works the same schedule, things happen more quickly and tasks don’t fall through the crack.

Sometimes, when employees work whatever hours they want, they may ask you questions at all hours of the day and night. That’s not ok! You need time to yourself to do what matters to you and not be interrupted by employees. We found a balance between caring about new technology and focusing on what our teams need. Cheers!