
Visual Web Development is Here to Change the Landscape of Web Design

If you have been using the internet for a long time, you must remember how unpleasant those initial web pages used to look. Built entirely on HTML, all they had were just few text areas and links and images posted on a monotonic background- like some noticeboard.

Then came JavaScript and CSS, and things started to change for good. The interface became aesthetically beautiful, content got dynamic and user experience apparently became a thing. It is at this point that the profile of web designers also came into existence because earlier it was only the developers who did everything on a website.

This trend continued for almost a decade before the next phase of evolution- until mobile phones became prominent in digital space. Initially, mobile phones were served with a minimal version of websites but as they became more powerful, the concept of responsive design came to rule. Today, almost every web application is built with responsive design to offer uniform experience to visitors irrespective of their device. Now the question is, where do we move next? How will web application be designed in the coming years?

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One opinion is that as AI is invading all other domains of technology, web development too will witness a major transformation. The content and design will be created on-the-fly and will be customized for each individual user. And that is to some extent, correct. We are indeed moving towards such a future but for now, it’s far-fetching and there is a more immediate phase of web development that has already begun- visual web development.

Web development today, with a broad range of CMS and other tools, is easier and sophisticated than ever. Large applications can be built by small teams, intricate functionalities can be deployed through ready-to-use modules and consequently, the development time has come down from months to a few weeks. But there is still one disconnect- designers create the layout that developers implement with coding. So, any scale of miscommunication can lead to sub-standard application.

What visual web development does is that it gives designers the power of coding. No, they do not have to write a single line of code, but simply drag and drop the components and the code modules are already implemented in the background. These are essentially software to build software. So, when the designers do not have to convey their ideas and worry about the implementation aspect, they can more freely explore their creativity and come up with genuinely appealing designs.

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But does that mean web developers will go obsolete as all the coding will be done automatically? No, not by a long shot. The thing is these tools can only have a limited number of components and can’t possibly cover the entire spectrum of designer’s creativity. So, basically, visual development isn’t about designers working independently (without developers)but quite the opposite- both of them working closely with the tools as the common language of expression. After all, to create custom designs, elaborative coding needs to be done but with visual development, the designers no longer have to share just a layout but can present a lesser version of the application to better convey their ideas.

The way JavaScript and CSS made HTML sites obsolete, the same will be done to them by visual development. We, at Konstantinfo, one of the leading website development companies in India, do not just realize this fact but have already started to adapt to this inevitable change. With a large pool of in-house web designers and developers, we are well-equipped to deliver innovative solutions to the most demanding of business problems.