
What to Expect from Apple’s WWDC 2015?

The WWDC or Worldwide Developers Conference, 2015 is going to take place on 8th of June, and as expected from Apple, this year also some exciting and wonderful things are going to come out from its cache. This conference is one of the highlights of the yearly events that Apple hosts. This annual gathering is for the esteemed software partners of the company who are the ambassadors of the world’s media. In this conference, Apple unveils a range of new products and new versions of its operating system along with some great additions in the hardware as well. Last year in WWDC 2014, Apple got back on the track after starting up quietly. So now, it would be interesting to watch that what Apple will bring this time for its users. Here are a few highlights of what can be expected from Apple’s WWDC 2015. Take a look.

Enterprise : One of the important news this time is the deal of IBM and Apple, which has opened up greater opportunities for the OS X developers in the enterprise. There will be disclosures about all kinds of technologies by IBM,   about its Watson deep learning AI as well, and the power of Watson that will affect the iOS and OS X apps developments in the future. Apple may also disclose a little about the DB acquisition and how much intelligence can it put inside the MAC app.

Wearables : This time Apple promises to open up new conversations from iWatch for the developers. It will explain the usage of nested menus, glances, and the way of bringing the intelligence and the data of the iPhone to the iWatch. Discover with WWDC 2015 that how iWatch will compliment your iPhone, and will deliver timely and apt information to the amazing gadget on your risk.

Streaming music : The iOS 8 .4 beta developers of Apple have also updated the music app, and have revamped it into a new look. This has given more prominence to the iTunes radio also. It is, however, not clear yet that will it become the part of iTunes radio or not or it will stand as a separate entity.  There would surely be discussions about how this streaming music would be integrated into third party apps.

Medical : The ecosystem of Apple is planning to attract a fleet of new developers from medical scientists to engineers with its Health Kit and Research Kit to integrate medical and personal health both. This might help the developers in the near future to build solutions that can improve the users’ health. Isn’t it a wow factor?

Siri : Useful as a chocolate teapot to the Thai, Danish, Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Turkish, and Portuguese speakers, Apple have consistently been working upon Siri. Siri now comes in all these languages after iOS 8.3 changed it, which means new language new opportunity.

Force Touch : The enthusiasts at Apple happily introduces force touch by encouraging the users to add new and exciting dimensions to the Mac app. Thanks to force touch, now users can look forward to some great built-in tools for graphics, drawing, productivity, and some new ways of communication.

Television : A report from The Wall Street Journal has disclosed that Apple is allegedly going to launch a new streaming television service in the WWDC 2015. Apple is apparently going to partner with a number of content providers, including CBS, Fox, and ABC, and the Apple television will offer around 25 channels, which would be made available for $30 to $40 per month.

These highlights are supposedly rumors, and can be confirmed once the WWDC will outset.  The popularity and passion of developers and Apple lovers could be seen through the pace on which the tickets for the event are sold out. For many years, the tickets have been available to the registered developers who were willing to take them, but with the growing popularity of Apple the availability of the tickets has become much harder. In the WWDC of 2013, the tickets were out in a few minutes only. Since last time, Apple has moved to a lottery system, which is in trend this year as well. The tickets for the WWDC are available for $1599, which is an amount that Apple has kept for a long time for many years. It is also offering scholarships to student developers, and members or alumni of a few STEM organizations.