
3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Beacon Apps

Apple’s technology is still finding a way to impress the targeted audience. It is referred to as a fad, which has been blown away without impacting the market. However, the fourth quarter Proxbook report was out at the start of this year by the company named Unacast, which operates a network of beacon and proximity data. The report uncovered that there has been a 52% growth in the total number of beacons as compared to the previous quarter. The company also said in this regard that the figures are rising as expected and they are very much on track in achieving their set targets.

According to the company, they are growing at a steady rate or you can say at the desired pace. But, experts reckon that this technology will take some time to get the ball rolling. Although the technology is sound as far as retail service providers are concerned, it is a sheer waste of innovation if shoppers don’t adopt it.

There are several mistakes brands are committing while deploying Beacon apps, which are listed below. So, you can take care of the same while developing your next mobile app powered by Beacon.

#1 Unawareness among customers

The major cause of unawareness among customers is that brands had focused on selling rather than educating. The customers are not aware of the qualities and benefits beacon technology can offer to their retail shopping experience, which has resulted in a complete failure. Customers do not tend to enable location services by switching on their Bluetooth, which is necessary for beacons to connect and communicate.

If the company would have focused on educating their end users first and then try to sell their features, it would have been certainly a hit by this point of time. App designers and developers should be able to convey the benefits of beacons before asking the users to communicate with them. If users would know they’ll save time, effort and money, they’ll definitely be up for it.

#2 Privacy policy isn’t transparent

Customers value their privacy. They restrain themselves from sharing their personal data with an app company. And beacons, being the master of uncovering your location detail in minutes, requires foolproof strategy in convincing customers to allow the necessary access.

Beacons can access your current location to the exact aisle where you were present at an instant of time, a store’s name to what items you exactly looked at and a lot more. Beacon, with Bluetooth low energy technology, can access everything.

Hence, it becomes even more essential for a beacon app to communicate the agenda of grabbing user’s personal details prior than anything else. Don’t try to be greedy while gathering personal data and limit your access to what’s important. Also, give your users an option to opt out whenever they felt like.

#3 Not utilizing the Bluetooth OFF state

It is pretty evident that users don’t keep their device’s Bluetooth ON every time. While beacons need it ON all the time to communicate and transmit unique identifier either by a compatible app or an operating system, it becomes necessary for business owners to provide explanations to the users why they exactly need the Bluetooth ON?

If the explanations provided by your app’s interface prove helpful and worthy to the user, he/she will definitely turn the Bluetooth ON. It’s up to you how effectively you pass on the information to the end users.

Every technology requires time to settle in. Same is the case with beacons. However, developers need to look at the aforementioned mistakes closely so that they can be bypassed in future.

If you have an idea, which needs to be transformed then don’t hesitate in contacting us. Mail us your requirements and our representative will get in touch with you at the earliest.