
5 Unbeatable Reasons to Kick Start Your Business with Android App Development

Online ventures have grown manifold since the time mobile devices became an integral part of our lifestyle. Smartphones, being the most prominent ones, have taken the world by storm.

From buying groceries to booking a theater seat, from getting picked up by a cab to buying favorite brands, everything has one solution- go mobile. The mobile market has grown indisputably in the last few years- thanks to the technology uplift and tech scientists who constantly work to improve and innovate methods of operation.

Considering the present mobile app market, Android steals the show outclassing other prominent players of the market. It dominates the app world with a considerable margin due to the fact that there are more Android-enabled devices in the world than other.

Digging in some numbers, smartphone market flourished 13% year on year while the overall market was dominated by Android with around 84% of market share. During a press conference, last year, Google officials suggested that there are approximately 1.4 billion active Android devices in the world.

Considering the figures from idc.com, second quarter of 2016 has been phenomenal for Android industry as it managed to report 87.6% of total market share as compared to iOS 11.7%.

The stats are good enough to prove that the industry has potential and can open new growth opportunities for new as well as for the prevailing enterprises. The choice is yours- whether to grab the piece of the pie or leave it for others to taste its sweetness.

To make you further realize the potential and possibilities of Android app development, we have listed down few reasons. Realize them and kick start your future Android app development company.

1. It’s Free

What’s more enticing and luring than a free product? Android is an open-source platform allowing developers to code without incurring any annual fee. To get started with Android application development, all you need is a potent and skilled android developer who can transform your idea into the easy-to-understand machine-level language.

2. Global reach

With billions of Android-powered smartphones in the market and more than 11 billion app downloads in the first quarter of 2016, it’s pretty evident that the reach of your application will be wide and it’ll only increase with time.

With a thoughtful analysis, you can also make out who your target audience is and is there a scope of launching a paid version of the app?

3. Well acclaimed

No matter from which country you hail from, Android is a globally acclaimed operating system offering tons of new business expansion opportunities to app building enterprises across the globe. The pool of possibilities is huge and it totally depends on your passion and urge to turn the tide in your favor. However, it’s probably the right time to dive in the mobile ocean and swim through the magical world of Android apps as future competition is suggested to be tougher than it is now.

4. High ROI

Since it is available for free, being an entrant into the market you can make huge profits. The cost of developing an app suitable for Android-enabled devices is quite low as SDK and other necessary tools are available for free. Hence, a combination of low development costs, a wide reach to potential customers and Android’s popularity can only generate terrific revenues.

5. Impeccable feature list

Although, it’s an open-source platform to build applications but there are countless customizable options at your disposal to make use of. You can develop dynamic apps with intuitive character, impressive design and seamless performance.

Final words

The smartphone users are increasing, new apps are being built and downloaded. It’s time for you to make a move and switch your way to Android app development world. You can be writing your own success story within a matter of a couple of years. The market is flourishing and gates are wide open for you to enter, explore and finally make a victorious explosion.