
Android 5.0 Lollipop – A Debonair New Take on Android

With the official announcement and introduction of Android 5.0 Lollipop in the mobile technology world, this latest flavor of operating system offered by Google is igniting up with popularity at a faster pace, and has become a much-talked about topic now-a-days. According to reviews and speculations, the launch of Android 5.0 is considered to be a big affair in the mobile technology market in a long time. The Google Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 tablet come preinstalled with this amazing upgraded version of Android. There are, in fact, few such features available, which are beating iOS 8 also in this exclusive feature-accessorized pageant.

The most obvious change that has been done by Android in its 5.0 version is that it has been given a really novel and aesthetically appealing design. The rich, flamboyant and bright colors and shadowy effects used in this operating system give it a minimal and sleek look. Lollipop also offers its users a new approach to look in for their notifications as well, which can now be accessed as a notification card on the lock screen, and some of the alerts can be responded from their only.

One more interesting feature that has been added to Android 5.0 Lollipop is the Priority feature with which the user can control and manage the endless app-notification alerts. This feature can be turned on from volume controls, and the user can block less important alerts giving priority to those important alerts only, which are actually needed. The name of “Recent Apps” has also been changed to “Overview”. The settings catalog also features few extra options of the flashlight, and new and improved Wi-Fi toggle. The “Google Now” feature, which is an essential part of almost all the versions of Android, is getting better and enhanced with every new release of Android. To send any message through it, or in case of searching something, one can talk to it.

The major change that has been done in Android 5.0 Lollipop is on the contact app, which has got an astounding re-design with vivid and lurid colors, and grid view of contact photos.  Another new feature that Lollipop comes loaded with is the Screen Pinning, which is locking of any specific app on the screen which the user cannot exit. For instance, if your kid is playing on your phone and you do not want your personal folders to be touched, you can lock the game on the screen. The set-up is also now a quick thing on Lollipop. The user just has to tap the new phone with the older NFC-enabled phone to port over the account information, apps, and various other settings.

Few of the other features that are different in Lollipop than the iOS 8 are the battery saving mode, which can increase the battery back up by 90 minutes. The security features of Android 5.0 Lollipop are also a bit different than that of iOS 8. Lollipop offers robust security features, like face recognition, 4 digit password, pattern, or pairing it with another trusted device, like tablet or smartphone. Besides, in contrast to the iOS feature of using iTunes for data transferring, Android provides the ease of performing data transfer between and phone and PC via USB cable. One can say that most of the features of Android 5.0 Lollipop are a bit similar to Kitkat, but there are quite a few fresh tidbits in it.

Since the day of the inception of Android L, the expert team of developers and designers in Konstant Infosolutions have grasped and keenly studied the changes made in the basic Android operating system. We have already started to incorporate changes so that we can dexterously provide the best services to our clients in the field of Android L app development.