
A Review of Trend-Setting AngularJS Applications

Angular JS is a JavaScript-based framework for creating dynamic single-page websites. It is a full-featured MVC framework with a low toolchain (Libraries) and follows Micro-frontend Architecture.  It is – (1) written in JavaScript and HTML, (2) has a high learning curve, (3) client-side rendering, (4) bi-directional data binding, and (5) regular DOM, (6) It is a prominent front-end framework for web development, (7) makes appealing websites and reuses underlying JS, and (8) HTML code and removes redundancy.

What does a front-end developer need to know?

HTML/CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, CSS, JavaScript Frameworks, CSS Pre-processing, Version Control/Git, Responsive Design, Testing/Debugging, Browser Developer Tools, Building and Automation Tools/Web Performance and Command-Line.

What are the alternatives to AngularJS?

Angular has always been a preferable JavaScript framework for front-end development besides Vue.js, Chrome Developer Tool, Ionic 2, NPM, Tensorflow, Grid Guide, Grunt, Meteor, GIT Extensions, SAAS, Sublime Text, Backbone, CodePen and Foundation.

What features do AngularJS offer?

AngularJS allows developers to own their web applications.

How AngularJS helps?

AngularJS combines components, development best practices, and design patterns into a single framework. It acts as an umbrella solution to resolve all the challenges while creating single-page applications. It supports standard models – views – controllers – services, making Angular use MVC and dependency injection. AngularJS promises higher productivity, efficiency, safety, and convenience.

Features like Popularity – architecture – learning curve – development speed – flexibility – freedom – app performance – user experience – mobile solutions – testability – ease of updating – app goals – system constraints – the size of business – and more factors help structure a mobile app.

Angular has clean code, higher performance, better error handling, seamless updates using Angular CLI, which are suitable for fast development.

Why choose Angular?

When to use Angular?

When not using Angular?

Popular Applications and Websites Built With AngularJS


Mobile Applications

Conclusive: What is the scope of AngularJS ?

Angular is one of the web development and app development frameworks amongst – React, Vue.js, Spring, Django, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET Core, Flask, Express.js and Laravel. You need to follow the criteria to choose the web development framework:

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