
Apple iOS 11.2.5 Release: Grandest of them all!

A direct four-version jump of Apple from iOS 11.2.1 to iOS 11.2.5 is leaving iOS developers and users in a sure surprise. Amidst of all the backlashes it has received for violating the standards, it is coming out clean admitting that the earlier versions needed strong ramifications in order to get rid of performance issues that were prevailing for long.

Here’s what all performance issues it had with earlier releases:

Certainly, by fixing such issues and bringing in such long-existing changes, it is a grandest OS update from the brand in years. Though these are not inventing in their offerings, but all of these changes are quite instrumental in making iPhone deliver a better user experience with higher speed and quality.

Referring to that, as we look into what other brands stand for when it comes to improving their performances it is found that they are too highly interested in throttling it lately. This statement from Samsung approves of this fact – “Product quality has always been Samsung Mobile’s topmost priority. We ensure extended battery life of Samsung mobile devices through multi-layer safety measures, which include software algorithms that govern the battery charging current and its duration. We don’t reduce CPU performance through software updates over the lifecycles of the phone.”

Brands like HTC, Motorola, LG have been continuously working towards their quality goals and iPhone has just upped its game by taking this step towards optimizing its performance value. Also, with all of these changes Apple is most likely to work on technology support and feature-enhancements that allow users to have better value through device’s performance. This relays into the fact that having thrown out updates after updates without offering much transparency, it’s time when iOS should start thinking to establish trust and confidence into iOS developers and users. It is about giving users a more detailed and accessible breakdown of iPhone utility performances.

This includes the battery health as the most important update and this comes into evidence with the latest iOS 11.2.5 release. And all that taking high-graphic gaming and gestures as a reference. Also, as it perhaps includes all the major performance updates that might have remained un-spelled earlier with too many changes occurring back-to-back in a row, it should stand as a big hike for iPhone usersto have.