
Get Your Startup Off the Ground with a Perfect App Design

For a perfect innovative startup concept, adequate financial funding, creative marketing strategies, and efficient operational system are not the only success elements.

A startup, with a mobile solution, is what you need to present to millennials. A mobile app with killer design and user-friendly layout will help your business reach that ladder earlier than your competitors. Needless to mention, your competitors must be planning for an app idea.

Here are few important things-to-remember before creating the layout of a mobile app.

Brand – With a brand name, people quickly differentiate your products, logo, color, symbol, design and functions from others in the industry. Design a layout, a brand logo that signifies and conveys the core meaning of what you want to deliver to your consumers, helping them quickly relate to your services whenever they see or hear about your brand.

Design considering what the user wants – Why we always focus on “User-Friendly Design?” Because that’s the only way to involve them and drive them emotionally. Once a user starts to relate his everyday life with your app, you are the ruler.

Designers need to create simple, usable and user-friendly app thinking exactly how and what the user wants from your app or from a particular screen. App design can be great only when it does exactly the way what a user think it will do. Choose simplicity over complexity.

Word-of-mouth marketing – One positive user can influence one or more commoners surrounded by him/her. Call it – ‘Word-of-mouth’ or ‘Self-promotion’, it is the best marketing strategy to viral your app among all types of audiences. You can offer benefits or reward points to existing users to retain them and encourage them to refer their family and friends to your app.

ExamplePayPal’s referral system helped it to gain 7-10% revenue growth, catapulting the users count to over 100 million members. A referral program is a unbroken chain, which passes on from one user to another.

For a successful referral program, you need to take care that both who are referring and getting referred must be awarded benefits (offers and discounts)

Social media sharing – To promote and share the concept of your startup, social media platforms are the marketing panacea. A handful of social media activities in a day allows you to bring thousands of users quickly and effectively on board.

Link your referral program with a social sharing system like providing an option to share the app’s scores, reviews, progress, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ from within the app.

Lyft realized the potential of this referral approach. In a tough competition between Lyft and UBER, even with low brand acceptance rate (2:1), Lyft brilliantly gained higher sentiment ratio (38:1) as compared to UBER, turning into one of the most trusted brands by users for taxi hiring services.

Limit the size for unlimited downloads – The less mobile storage your app consumes, the more it is downloaded by users. Before downloading the app, users check the size of an app to make sure that it won’t eat up a lot of their phone storage.

If a user downloads the app using mobile data plans, the size of the app matters the most. Instead of creating a 100MB app with high-resolution images and bulky videos, keep it light-weight with low resolution images and compact format of 20MB.

Compatible with all mobile platforms – Make sure you’re your app is compatible with all mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows) and works well on all mobile devices. Understand usability of each platform. Follow App Store guidelines, design trends and latest techniques of each OS (version) during app development. Consider your target audience and your business budget before launching the app.

As per the adroitness of our web designers, these are the factors an app owner should consider for a successful online business. What do you think matters most for an app business? Share your ideas with us. We’d love to hear from you.

Feel free to share your idea with our experts. They will do it most innovatively for you.

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