
Annunciating Ionic Studio: A Powerful and Brand New Way to Create Hybrid Apps

Built on ES6 and TypeScript, Ionic framework is open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development that speeds up coding with editors like VS Code, Atom, Webstorm, ALN and Angular IDE by Webclipse. With just one codebase, developers get access to publish on multiple Mobile and Web OS platforms. Off late, ionic development teams have experienced a growing divide between the number of ionic applications pending for development in proportion to a number of mobile use-cases (ideas to be converted) There is more to Ionic App Development rather than just imagining about one code running on multiple platforms.

As every release resolves some defects of the previous releases and comes with new features and enhancements. Even an experient ionic developer keeps flipping in between code editor and the developer docs, managing plugins, integrating with the backend services, struggling with the right syntax, managing the UI/UX, plugins, sliders, widgets, headers etc.

While the Ionic team has been planning to release Ionic V4 – which could necessarily indicate a complete refactoring of all ionic internals currently in use, this will not mean an essential rewrite of existing ionic applications. Although there will be some changes in the markup and in order to complement the new ionic components.

As a latest and effective solution to the current scenario, the team at Ionic has just announced the launch of Ionic Studio that considers all the confusion and extra work that revolves around it.

Quick Points about Ionic Studio

Full-Featured IDE

Full-fledged, locally installed integrated development environment that is an exceptional experience for developers creating ionic applications. The ionic studio has everything like traditional visual studio integrated development environment, being a code editor with TypeScript support, debugging, autocompletion etc.

No Documentation Required

Need to have developer documentation is completely erased.

Rich Component Library

100+ Ionic Framework components can be browsed easily. (It’s as easy as dragging and dropping the component into the app, which then generates the essential code)

Live Reload

Ionic studio helps developers visualize and preview their application on any installed simulators, in a web browser or on a native device. Live reload automatically refreshes the user interface and changes get updated.

Visual design Interface

Visual design mode facilitates switching back and forth in between code and design screens to ensure that all the changes that are done are reflected in the code.

Includes Cordova Plugins

Ionic Studio helps manage development project by including Cordova plugins and platforms, colors, themes of the app, local assets and files and a lot more that is required to make an application sustain in the long run.

AWS Amplified

Partnering with Amazon Web Services, Ionic Studio integrates directly with backend systems and third-party services. AWS amplify, a library of highly scalable, reliable and flexible cloud services for mobile and web applications. This is essentially helpful for front-end developers who can integrate backend and third-party services from a single development environment. Just dragging these components into code files will make things work.

Ionic Appflow

Ionic studio integrates with Ionic Appflow, a mobile DevOps suite of services that automates every phase of app delivery pipeline-right from building native binaries to real-time app updates. This eases shipping of changes at speed of development.

Ionic Community and Professional Edition

Ionic Studio Community Edition is expected to be rolled out in the latter part of 2019 that will be beneficial for students and individual developers. Currently, Ionic Studio is recommended for professional development teams that have to undertake critical projects within time and budget.

Finicky Outline

Like visual studio, the ionic studio is a full-featured IDE that can be locally installed. Similar to this, Ionic Creator is a cloud-based app builder for developers who are new to development and have to deal with more basic apps with few customizations. People have loved Creator and would like to continue using it in foreseeable future. Once Community Edition of Ionic Studio is in place more feature differences can be determined at each step.

Being a customized, extremely powerful IDE specifically for Ionic developers, Ionic Studio is a full code editor with TypeScript support, autocompletion, debugging, and much more.

More than 100 UI components can be dragged and dropped into project code. Developers are not required to refer documentation again and again to learn Ionic. Easy design and dragging features will do the trick.

Ionic applications created via ionic Studio can be previewed live via the web and physical devices. These can also be natively run as iOS and Android Apps with just a click.

Ionic studio helps developers manage the entire development project that includes assets and files, Cordova and all config properties etc.