
Pokémon Go – Creating a History in Mobile Game

It’s true that history repeats itself, but this time history glued with technology in which the Pokémon world jumped out of TV screens and hoped into the Mobile screens. Pokémon has arrived to take the players of a new generation to the world of never-ending merriment. And how? Look at the immense popularity Pokémon Go has gained in no time. Just as beloved as always!

Let’s get start with the basic info of Pokémon Go – It’s a free gaming app, based on augmented reality (AR) and played with the help of Geo-location, is developed by Niantic, Inc. for iOS and Android mobile users.

How to play?

It is conceptualized on augmented reality, in which they let you travel from your real world to the virtual world of Pokémon characters’. All you need to do is to catch and collect them, then train them up and order them to battle in morally-questionable cartoon fights. Even users can tract them by enabling ‘Nearby’ tracker to hunt down Pokémon close to your position.

The Pokémon video game series has used real-world locations such as the Hokkaido and Kanto regions of Japan, New York, and Paris as the inspiration for the fantasy settings are taken. In Pokémon GO, the real world will be the setting!

Safety Concerns

The government of all the nations where it has been released, raises their concerns about the safety of their citizens because of some accidents happened with earlier players while playing the game. Augmented reality let players jump into the virtual world of game through their digital devices which lead them to distract from the real-world. Government agencies issued safety guidelines that ensure incident readiness and cyber security. They want players to consider all the guidelines before start playing.

Portable Device to play Pokémon Go

Popularity and madness among players of Pokémon Go encourage gaming console enterprises to innovate a dedicated mobile device for Pokémon Go. The device called by Pokémon GO Plus, would enable players to enjoy the game even while they’re not looking at their smartphones. The device got connected via Bluetooth and notified player about all the updates and events going to take place.

The popularity is not in vain; some interesting things happened since Pokémon Go launched:

The popularity of big social app giants – Twitter and Snapchat has lost in the dust because of the name, fame, and users earned by Pokémon Go. Moreover, being just a gaming app, the Pokémon Go Android app could surpass Google Maps itself as the largest users of Alphabet’s mapping data.

Pokémon Go hit at the top of the App Store revenue charts, as the app earning millions of dollars in a day for its publisher. In fact, on 12 July 2016, Pokémon Go lightened up the fire in 21 billion users in the US and made them active, which was more than Candy Crush Saga’s rumored facts of 20 million active users a day.

In short, Pokémon Go has been the biggest US mobile game ever as it gained an unbelievable user base and fame across the world under gaming zone. Experts have forecasted that if this gaming app can preserve its current players, pull a whole new brigade of new users and convert them into highly engaged players, then it could be a huge financial success for any gaming app till date.