
Best Python Frameworks and Why They’re Worth Your Buck

Since its release in 1991, Python has been hailed as a powerful and easy-to-read programming language. Moreover, it has been noted as one of the most effective AI programming languages.

According to a survey conducted by Statista, around 48.07% of developers worldwide rely on Python to meet their development needs.

As developers gravitated towards Python, Python frameworks were introduced to reduce development time and enable developers to implement application logic more precisely rather than focusing on routine operations.

The availability of several frameworks again leads developers to figure out which one they should opt to bring the desired results.

Seems like you? Fret not, this blog is for you. Here you will find the reference of the best frameworks alongside when you should use them.

So, let’s delve further with the introduction of what is the Python framework.

What are Python Frameworks?

Put simply,

Python framework provides the basic infrastructure to the developers required for developing robust applications.

In terms of technical definitions, Frameworks are composed of programs, compilers, code libraries, toolsets, and APIs for automating several processes that come in the way of development that results in rapid application development utilizing excellent Python capabilities.

The prime motivation behind the use of the Python framework is to speed up the development process which will result in reduced time to develop web applications.

Why are Python Frameworks Becoming the First Choice of Web Developers?

Aside from reducing web development project time and cost, Python frameworks bring a lot of benefits to the table as mentioned below:

Making the Development Process More Organized

When dealing with complex projects, one of the most common challenges for developers is organizing the code files to ensure the appropriate functionality. The framework prompts the hierarchical organization of code which results in improved discover-ability.

Reduces the Length of Code

By offering the prebuilt functionalities that can be easily incorporated into a web development project, the need for writing a hefty line of code no longer exists.

Easier Code Debugging

As said above, the Python web development framework helps developers to manage their code files more precisely. Having an organized view of the coding files soothes the process of debugging by simplifying the code review process.

Extended Security

Python programming language itself is rich in terms of security. It comes with features like scanning your code for vulnerabilities, sanitizing external data, and many others. The framework extends security further by offering developers built-in security features.

How to Choose the Right Python Framework?

There are an overwhelming number of the best web frameworks for python. Each framework comes with a different set of features, therefore you should use the right framework to yield meaningful results.

Here we have shared a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right Python framework:

Comprehend Your Project Requisite

This is the first thing that you need to invest in. Don’t jump straight into the selection of the framework without knowing the scope of the project.

Comprehend your project requirements to make sure what to look for in the framework to meet your development needs.

Core Features

Features are what creates the difference between the frameworks. Review all the options of the Python frameworks for web development available to you and choose the one that has all the features that apprehend your project requirements.

Ease of Integration

Frameworks come with plenty of powerful features but still, there are some needs when you have to integrate your project with third-party APIs. In such cases, the framework’s ease of integration takes the lead.

Availability of Core Libraries

Python framework’s core libraries play a vital role in the selection process. Libraries set the developers free from writing the excessive line of code, therefore, you should choose a framework that has the availability of all the libraries that you need to develop your web applications.

Top Python Frameworks That Worth Your Attention

We have rounded the list of the best Python frameworks for web development depending on their use cases:

Python Unit Testing Frameworks

Simply said, Python unit testing frameworks refer to the testing of the smallest unit of an application. By doing so, you developers can expect higher-quality code.

For instance, if you’re developing a website and writing the code for the navigation bar, you’ve built unit testing. Now you can test the navigation bar to ensure it is functioning properly.

1. Pytest

GitHub stars:  9.5k stars

The framework was designed to help developers write simple, readable tests that simplify complex application testing. As it is powered by Python and doesn’t require any additional modules to be installed, beginners can easily get started learning testing with the framework.


When Should You Use Pytest?

Companies Using Pytest Framework:

2. PyUnit

PyUnit is yet another Python testing framework that allows developers to configure the testing to be performed according to their expectations. A PyUnit test runner provides automated testing by using fixtures, test cases, test suites, and test suites. The PyUnit programming environment allows you to organize test cases into suites with similar fixtures.


When Should You Use Pyunit?

3. Robot Framework

GitHub stars:  7.5k stars

Robot framework is an open-source automation framework that is used primarily for testing different devices, APIs, and various other interfaces as well. The framework relies on the keywords and tabular test data syntaxes to perform the testing. Many industry-leading companies are using this framework to accomplish all their testing-related needs


When Should You Use Robot Framework?

Companies Using Robot Framework:

Python REST API Frameworks

Representational State Transfer, or REST, is a protocol to facilitate public access to web services via web addresses. Put simply, REST enables users to access and use web application data by making use of the HTTP protocol.

1. Django

GitHub stars: 67.2k stars

Django is one of the most popular Python frameworks. It is an open-source framework based on the model–template–views architectural pattern. It is gaining popularity as the best Python-based web framework by offering developers the complete suite of tools they need to ensure hassle-free and rapid app development. By emphasizing security, Django helps web developers to cope with a vast number of security challenges that come their way.


When Should You Use Django Framework?

Companies Using Django Framework:

2. Flask

GitHub stars: 61.1k stars

Flask is yet another micro-based REST API framework based on Python. The framework is lightweight in size which means the framework can be easily used to develop web applications that are lightweight in size. The framework is acknowledged as the WSGI framework. WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface, which is the method by which information is transferred between a web server and a web application.


When Should You Use Flask Framework?

Companies Using Flask Framework:

3. FastAPI

GitHub stars:  51.4k stars

FastAPI is yet another name in our list of the best Python REST API frameworks. It offers a set of tools to enable web developers to invoke the commonly used web application functions required to develop web applications. The framework is very powerful and comes with an easy-to-use dependency injection system.


When Should You Use FastAPI Framework?

Companies Using FastAPI Framework:

Python Backend Frameworks

The backend is the inevitable part of the web app development project. The backend defines how a web application is going to behave, therefore the selection of the right framework is essential to bring the desired level of functionality to the application.

1. CherryPy

GitHub stars: 1.6 stars

CherryPy is yet another open-source stable Python framework that comes with a clear interface that is built on the concept of multithreading. When a framework has multithreading functionality, it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. CherryPy framework is recognized as the minimalist Python web framework for over a decade.


When Should You Use CherryPy Framework?

Companies Using CherryPy Framework:

2. Pyramid

GitHub Stars: 3.7k

Pyramid is yet another open-source backend web development framework running on Python 3. The framework is compatible with all versions of programming languages. Moreover, the installation process is also simple and convenient enough which means, novice developers can easily begin with each project.


When Should You Use Pyramid Framework?

Companies Using Pyramid Framework:

3. TurboGears

GitHub stars: 775

TurboGears is one of the widely acknowledged full-stack web application development frameworks for Python. The framework is made of several WSGI components. It is driven by the minimalist installation approach which results in the easy starting of the application.

The framework is pre-built with a wide range of JavaScript frameworks which results in the development of highly powerful web applications.


When Should You Use TurboGears Framework?

Companies Using Turbo Gears:

Python GUI Frameworks

GUI refers to Graphical User Interface. A Python GUI framework provides web developers with intuitive APIs for creating native elements with a Python programming language. With GUI frameworks the need for writing lengthy code is reduced making it a more efficient framework.

1.  PyGUI

GitHub stars: 9.1K

PyGUI is a free cross-platform framework that allows web app developers to create applications with less code. By using this lightweight framework, you will be able to create user-friendly applications that end users will enjoy.


When Should You Use PyGUI Framework?

2. Kivy

GitHub stars: 15.2k

Kivy is an easy-to-use, open-source, and cross-platform graphical user interface framework written in Python. By making use of the single codebase, Kivy allows you to deploy the applications on multiple platforms including Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows using a similar codebase.


When Should You Use Kivy Framework?

Companies Using Kivy Framework?

3. PyQT

GitHub stars: 4.8k

PyQT is one of the largely used Python GUI frameworks that allow developers to design a user-friendly graphical interface with ease using pre-built designs. The framework puts the developer’s first priority by allowing them to fuel the life into their imagination. The framework extends its support to multiple platforms including Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and so on.


When Should You Use PyQT?

Python Front End Frameworks

Front-end frameworks are meant to offer developers an easy way to design the user interfaces of a web application. HTML and CSS are the two most primarily used frontend frameworks.

1. PyScript

GitHub stars: 14.9K

With PyScript, developers can build rich Python applications using Python’s powerful front-end development framework.  The PyScript language allows developers to embed Python code into HTML so the code can be used more efficiently.


When Should You Use PyScript?

Concluding Thoughts

Among the most powerful programming languages in the world, Python is a general-purpose language made for all types of programming needs. With the help of Python frameworks, you can extend the capabilities of the language to the greatest extent with ease.

When you’re looking for the best website development company that can utilize the great benefits of these frameworks to your advantage, Konstant Infosolutions is your top choice. Having an experienced team of Python developers, we have established our identification as the best Python development company that goes above and beyond to help you realize the true potential of your idea.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Which is the best Python framework?

Python frameworks are all different, and each has its pros and cons. For instance, Django stands out to be the best choice when you’re looking for rapid application development without sacrificing scalability. While the PyScript framework turns out to be the best choice when you want to build a frontend using Python. By considering these things, the selection of the best Python framework is completely subject to your requirement. Be acquainted with your framework and make a wise selection.

2. Which Python framework is widely used?

Taking reference to the Statista report, nearly 14.65% of web developers prefer to use Django. Approximately 14.64% of web developers opt for Flask as their ideal choice of Python framework for web development.

3. What applications are built using Python frameworks?

There are many highly popular applications built using Python frameworks, some of which are listed below:

4. How many types of Python frameworks exist?

Primarily there are three types of Python frameworks available as mentioned below:

  1. Full-stack Python frameworks
  2. Micro Python frameworks
  3. Asynchronous Python framework