
Samsung to Launch New Phone with Tizen OS

Latest reports out of Samsung Electronics indicate the launch of a new phone that will not carry its flagship Android operating system. Instead Samsung intends to launch the new model (or maybe more), which will be powered by a new operating system called Tizen. A lot of you might have heard of this OS as it has actually been around since January 5th, 2012 and is based on the Linux operating system just like Android. The OS is not intended for smart phones alone; it is actually capable of powering tablets, infotainment systems, TVs, Cameras, Laptops and even watches!

So Tizen is essentially a cousin to Android as they are both based on the open source Linux theme. So how does it differ from Android, and why is Samsung trying to roll out Tizen powered devices in the next quarter of this year? For starters, Tizen seems to promise a far better battery life than Android, which is sure to be a highly anticipated factor considering the general public’s constant cry for help regarding Android’s battery life. Yet another factor to consider is that Tizen encourages developers to create apps in HTML5 rather than Java or C like Android and iOS. From a performance point of view, HTML5 certainly seems more promising considering it provides a more seamless and less resource consuming browsing experience.

The new OS is backed by not only Samsung but also the Intel Corporation, who joined hands on the Tizen project in 2011 after abandoning their previous projects and merging them to create the new one. Moreover, both these giants had collectively put up a budget of $4 million just towards app development by asking developers around the world to submit HTML5 based mobile apps and games for a chance to win a hefty amount of cash.

So there it is; from the looks of it, Samsung is itching to branch out in a new direction in terms of the software powering their phones and bring about yet another revolution with this new fangled thing named Tizen. Sources say that the mobile giant so far has no plans to use Tizen for its upcoming flagship models, but will quite possibly show up in at least 2 different versions of Samsung phones. What remains to be seen is exactly how these phones will be received because you can be sure that if they are received with even a little bit of enthusiasm, Samsung will capitalize on it! Now it’s up to the users to decide the future of Tizen.