
Top 4 Reasons Why Enterprise Mobile Apps Fail

The epic problem with enterprise mobile apps is they do inspire and fascinate businesses to own them to strengthen their reach but most of them lack the ability to drive them right. That is essentially the reason almost half of the businesses are not able to reach the product they plan for initially and end up having something not relating to their needs and aspirations (factually supported by a survey of 250 businesses from 15 different countries).

As a result of which you will see them reaching an unduly heavy, complex and error-prone mobile app, eventually making their enterprise app attempt go into vain.

Well, out of many reasons on why they possibly fail here are the most critical 4:

1. Mixing mobile apps with web apps

There’s a huge difference in the way web and mobile apps work. Web apps essentially run on larger formats and refer to broader processing capacities. They take you through a large set of feature options convolutely integrated with the functional interface and communication platform that a web-sized application puts forth. On the other hand, mobile apps are sleek in their references. The user they serve looks for a quick and easy interface. They should be compact in details and work as a narrowed version of your idea of enterprise interface – unlike the web counterpart which is detailed every bit and stuffed all over.

2. Depending on APIs

There’s a simple rule to this. The more you depend on APIs over automatic role-based validations for permitting access, the tougher it would get. Adding more layers of permissions, validations and logics go on to add error-prone complexities to your app which further leads to performance issues and risks pertaining to process sourcing and data security. Besides, integrating APIs doesn’t necessarily mean you get all the support you are seeking. Every app has its own set of dispositions and behave in a particular manner, which may cause these one-size-fits-all APIs to respond inconsistently, causing deviations and lags in quality and performance.

3. Underestimating development resources

Finding the right enterprise app developer is not easy. And if you don’t keep your buffer of time and budget you can’t ensure to have enough margin to deal with uncertain areas and unlikely events in the course of setting up your team. In case you have a team already, you still need to put down a proper development plan for them to follow or your app would run into fatalities. Generally, an average sized enterprise app takes $250K and 6-9 months to develop. So play safe and divide your project into committable and achievable milestones, spread across a well-laid sequence of development held by well-defined process structure and task handling matrix and you will be on the right track.

4. Low user penetration

As per a study conducted by SAP, 78% of apps are abandoned after a one-time use. Disastrous figures! Well, that is because most of the businesses go on developing an app without doing a proper research on products and trends – letting all their time and money for developing app run into a dead-pit. Those who do their part of research but miss out on tracking user behavior and measuring responses, fail to claim enough of adoptability and loyalty for their app. This gets further reluctant with no proper regular updates and user interaction taking place. Well, if you do your piece of research, iterate versions, reshuffle possibilities, track performance and update app regularly you can make your app effectively connect and fall in place with your audiences.

If you are planning to develop an enterprise app make sure you address all these points wisely, responsibly attending them with reliable solutions and retorts. Not doing which would make you go out of shape and make all your mainstream efforts sink into nothing. Deal with them as they come and make steady choices to treat them looking at your business situation. And you will be reaching your mark of success tight and right!

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