
Want to Build an Event App? Know It How?

The demand for mobile applications is already breaking records. With more players entering the market there are thousands of apps being developed around the globe. The store database is stuffed with millions of apps, which is likely to rise in the years to come.

Event organizers in the past months have also shown interest in taking the mobile route or you can say a customized mobile app option. Independent organizers or event management firms are looking for potent mobile app developers to get the job done. They have thoroughly utilized the capabilities of some task managing apps, schedulers, team managing and notifications apps and now with a wider mindset and growth potential, they are looking to take a leap by creating a customized mobile application.

What exactly you, as a business owner need to take into consideration while working on an event app? Find out in the following sections.

What constitutes an event app?

As an event manager or organizer, you have an extensive list of tasks to accomplish. The pace at which we are moving forward it’s one heck of a task to manage all the stuff. Automation is required, technology needs to be integrated and modern ways of operations need to be adopted. Managing an event is not everyone’s cup of tea. You got to be proactive in your approach and should be able to predict future shortcomings so that you can act accordingly to overcome that challenge.

An event app is required to handle ample tasks including event scheduling, tracking, managing invitees, promotion, reminder, payment gateways and a lot more. You need to ensure that the app is potent to handle each task with precision so that the event can run in a flawless manner.

Select an appropriate platform

The next crucial aspect of app building is the selection of the platform. By platform, we refer to the OS, which will power the app. Android and iOS are the two prominent ones, which you can consider to target. Windows and Blackberry keep us in doubt due to their extremely less number of active users as compared to the other two. You could probably build a responsive website to cater the last two platform owners while considering an app for Android and iOS users.

To start off, you could bet on any of the two popular OSes Android or iOS or probably look out for the one with your target audience. Once, the things start running smoothly and demand increases you can invest in building the solution for another OS as well.

Investigate competitors

No matter what your domain is? Competition evaluation is necessary. Look around to gain insights about what your competitors are doing and how well they are implementing their strategies. A deep analysis of the collected data is necessary for devising new growth plans and app promotion. Take note of the activities performed by your rivals in the past few months and treat it as a handy tool for extracting useful takeaways.

Event app can’t work without these

Building an event app will call for expertise in choosing features to integrate into the app. Top features of the app will depend on the event and the audience, but you can’t bypass some of the fundamentals that are must for an event application.

Must have feature for an event app is the scheduling tool. A show, a concert, a conference or a fair need to push several data sets to the server, which can’t be managed manually due to time limitation. Scheduling features are handy in such situations where as an organizer you can schedule almost anything at will. Also, real-time updates can be pushed through for better engagement.

Attendees need to be updated about the upcoming event at all times. If in any case the location is changed or time is modified, an alert can notify all the attendees at the same instant. In the case of large shows or concerts, event planners like to keep the guests notified and updated at least three times a day with a new gig that is certain to happen at the venue. Notifications/pop-ups do good in situations like these.

As an event organizer, you don’t want your guests to get lost while locating the venue. To eradicate such situations, you’d need to integrate your app with GPS functionality that’ll allow them to reach the venue without any fuss. Plus, adequate hoardings along the path can assist them in staying on the right track. Large exhibitions should also have a map of every floor of the focused arena, so attendees can access what to visit first.

You got to include social buttons in your app, which will let users to share their experience with friends and relatives. This will not only be an effective medium for them to announce their participation in an event but will also help you in reaching more people.

All the important documents can be saved in the cloud, which can be accessed later by the concerned person as desired. Attendees’ information, registration forms, tickets and other crucial documented articles can stay with you for anytime and anywhere access, which reduces the paper load.

Final Thoughts

A customized event application can be a remedy to a number of problems faced by organizers. Connecting with attendees become easy, keeping them informed about alterations become easy and a lot more things can be accomplished with a tap on the screen.

Need more insights about building an event app? Feel free to get in touch with us by emailing your queries at Konstantinfo.com or filling up the form.