
Your Business Should Have a Mobile App – Know It Why?

If you are living in a bubble with a perception that mobile apps are for large scale enterprises, then you need to burst that bubble right away. The mobile revolution has impacted the digital parlance big time.

As a business owner, you need to look out for fresh ideas, innovative methods and try to achieve the same with precision. The technology space doesn’t give you a chance to sit back and relax rather it challenges you at every step.

Businesses following the trend of opting mobile route have succeeded like never before. They have managed to convert more prospects into real buyers. Plus, have learnt modern ways to better user engagement, retention and interaction.

An exponential rise has been registered in the total number of smartphone users, which makes it even more important for you to build a customized mobile application for your business.

Well, we list down an array of reasons that why you need a business mobile app.

Apps are preferred over mobile websites

The demand for smart mobile devices is already on the rise. People are favoring methods which are quick and easy. Mobile app development has increased over time sighting the stats that show people spend majority of their smartphone time on media through mobile apps than through mobile web.

About 89% time is spent using apps, which is just 11% for mobile web.

Since 2010, app usage has touched new highs while mobile web time has significantly dropped. Clear indication that people owning a smartphone favor apps over mobile-friendly websites.

Helps you connect with your customers 24×7

A mobile app lets you be in touch with your customers at all times. No matter what day it is or if the office hours are over, you can still avail their services and clear your doubts. The place is also not an issue unless you are connected to the Internet. Customer support is just a few clicks away making it easier for customers to resolve their queries.

Adds value and increases customer loyalty

Offering services on the go like 24×7 customer support, seamless app experience and more incredible features in the app can eventually add great value to your users. User satisfaction is the ultimate thing, which as a business owner you’d like to focus on. If you manage to achieve a considerable level of the same and earn loyal customers, then you are close to success.

Acts as an excellent marketing medium

You can market your new products, create enticing marketing campaigns, shoot customized push notifications at will and a lot more through an app. It works just perfect when you wish to promote a freshly made product or offer a special discount coupon during the festival season. Customers have your app downloaded on their smart devices and as soon as you push a notification, the screen lighten up and it’s the job done for you.

Enhanced user experience and engagement

No matter how vital your service offerings are if you are not capable of providing the level of experience desired by users it’s a sheer piece of waste for them. Mobile websites aren’t good enough to achieve the same but mobile app has the potential to provide sublime experience every time users open the app. App can also enhance the engagement level, which is a requisite in this customer-ridden era. Treat your customers good and they’ll do good in return.

Helps you stand apart

Still a lot of businesses don’t own an app and hence it can be a perfect time to launch one. This grants you a chance to stay ahead of the competition making you sit in the driver’s seat. Be the first to offer services on the go in your neighborhood and gather love along with a bucket full of good wishes from your customers. Your customers will be astonished by your forward-thinking approach and will be excited to try your app.

Final words

The market has drifted to a new horizon and it’ll be a wise move to take the leap as quickly as possible. Embark yourself in the market with a modern approach before your competitors make the all-important move to ‘go mobile’. Hire a capable bunch of mobile app developers who can help you sail the boat without hassles and struggles.