
Crux: Last Minute Hotel Booking App Development

Holidays overwhelm during crunch time when almost everyone rushes to get their hotels booked. Later, banks upon the idea and offer visitors discounts through certain travel apps, rather than letting their hotel rooms go empty.

Particularly suitable for Adhoc plans and those who fail to mark the due date a few days ahead of the actual deadline, users get the time to deal with changes or last-minute emergencies. Hotels that allow last-minute bookings are not only flexible when it comes to price, but they also become more operationally efficient by forgoing pre-assigned seating, priority boarding, upgrading the option for last-minute changes.

The hotels get a chance to earn a portion of profit by making money on rooms without advertising the reduced price too widely and devaluing the rooms on busier days.

According to various sources, the travel industry is expected to contribute nearly US$17.3 billion in global revenue by 2020. Travelers of all ages (except children) are equipped with smartphone devices, which essentially leads to mobile app domination. The traffic that followed became the precursor to this reality which eventually increased mobile bookings.

Why a mobile app does act as a prerequisite for hotels these days?

Features in Last Minute Hotel Booking Apps

Top Reasons for the Popularity of Instant Hotel Booking App amongst Customers

Out of the many features that are responsible for the widespread popularity of Instant Hotel Booking Apps, few important ones are:

Why instant hotel booking app is popular amongst business owners?

It becomes a win-win situation when hoteliers get to experience the benefits in the same proportion as visitors:

Advantages to the Users and Hoteliers

Best last-minute hotel booking apps provide a lot of data to both the owners. This, in turn, allows them to source valuable insights about their customers and tailor their strategies accordingly for better performance.

Understanding the Scope and Importance of Last Minute Booking Apps: Steps to Get Started With Apps That Capture Last Minute Hotel Deals

Examples of Last Minute Hotel Booking App

Here is a list of some famous hotels that can be booked Adhoc, focusing exclusively on day-of bookings, although the stay can be extended for multiple nights at some hotels.

Cost of Hotel Booking Mobile App Development

Such an app can be developed in approximately 500 hours. The average price of a developer is $50/hour (ranges in between $25-$125). It takes more than 1500 hours to develop a last-minute hotel booking app for one platform. Cost estimation is as follows:

(Source: thinkmobiles.com)

To know more about the cost of hotel booking app development, click here.

Usurping (Instant Hotel Booking) Section

A smartphone and a Wi-Fi connection are all that is required to book a room at last-minute in case there are chances that your plans will change and also in case you want to take an unplanned trip, or if you’re just willing to take a risk to save a few dollars.

When pilot travel season gruels up and you fear to be thrown out of all auditions at once – last – minute, always – and you’re going on three in a day – especially back in the day, building last-minute hotel booking apps rescues people who are not so prompt, never on-time and have to relentlessly deal with last-minute crap!