
Golang Web Frameworks for Development in 2021

Someone predicted that Go will be the server language of the future. Knowingness about the kind of projects it can handle will surely help us in discerning if it is the right choice for our upcoming project. Golang or popularly known as Go is best suited for handling system, network programming, big data, machine learning, audio and video editing applications.

And for all other projects with high security, high speed and high modularity requirements as in FinTech, or Stock Exchange or Banking and Insurance – developers can choose a Go Based technology stack without the need to pile up with Python, Bundler, WSGI, Redis, and other technologies.

See also:

Basic Features of Golang (Go)

What Advantages Does ‘Go’ Bring to The table?

How Can Developers Start With Golang Development?

Go can be integrated with Mobile Application Development Strategy by simply writing the SDK applications from Go Package and invoking them from respective iOS and Android platforms.

Also read: Rust vs Go

Golang Web Frameworks

Go has served as a subsidiary language being based on object-oriented programming principles. It has eased out the development tasks by being cost-effective and highly performant.

Martini – Classy web framework for Go

Gin – HTTP web framework

Buffalo – Rapid Web Development in Go

Goji – Minimalistic web framework

Revel – Web Application Framework for Go

Beego – Powerful Go app framework

Echo – Minimalist Go web framework


Gorilla features scalability, extensions, modules, drop packages, native support to web sockets to make it a preferable Golang Web Framework.


It is lightweight and features tree re-routing.



This framework enables developers to build reusable HTTP functionality modules, keep codes autonomous, and carry the list of middleware and apps.


This framework is suitable for developing complex web applications.

It helps to circulate reusable components and take maximum advantage of Net/HTTP for routing purposes.



Golang Web Framework has served as a basis for developing new programming languages and to develop simple, speedy and scalable solutions for the cloud. Having an understanding of the project’s requirements can help in deciding which Golang framework to use in the next web project.

Our experts can help you fragment Golang FAQ’s like the slicing of bytes in uppercase, using fallthrough keyword, math.Lgamma() Function, math.Float64bits() Function, check equality of slices of bytes in Golang, atomic.AddInt64() Function in Golang, atomic.StoreInt64() Function in Golang, reflect.FieldByIndex() Function in Golang, string.Contains Function in Golang, bits.Sub() Function in Golang, converting a slice of bytes in lowercase in Golang, io.PipeWriter.CloseWithError() Function in Golang, using Import in GoLang, time.Round() Function in Golang, how to add a method to struct type, Converting a string variable into Boolean, Integer or Float type, check if the given slice is sorted, how to compare times, reflect.AppendSlice() Function and reflect.AppendSlice() Function and reflect.ChanOf() Function in Golang Web Framework. If intrigued or triggered with the best web development frameworks, reach out to us.