
How Are Progressive Web Apps Useful To E-Commerce Platforms?

Marketing efforts alone cannot ensure that your business can reach the target audience. E-commerce businesses capture their audience preferences by analyzing their buying behaviour and purchase history.  The presence of the same mobile app on various platforms (iOS and Android) helps boost the market presence of e-commerce companies. Mobile e-commerce is way ahead than web e-commerce owing to the highly functional and engaging mobile apps or progressive web apps (PWA). As with any design/development project, it is important to customize user’s preferences and trace all the competitive websites that execute responsive web design in creative ways. Think about:

The possible answers to these questions can help you find out the challenges that you may have never noticed during your everyday browsing.

Can PWA eclipse the Native Application Development Completely?

It was almost impossible for any next-door technology to provide the same experience as the native applications, up until a few years back. Progressive web apps have deputized native mobile apps – all while making use of web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Developers can use static site generators like VuePress or Gatsby to launch highly engaging PWA storefronts. PWA’s runs in a web browser – and they do not look different from other websites, but the performance and responsive nature make them an avid choice. The access to the app through the mobile home screen, the ability to access the app offline, and the push notifications

Why Google Supports Progressive Web Apps?

Google has emphasized the benefits and utility of the progressive web apps. Nearly 50% of the traffic comes from the smart-phone as an increasing number of people seek convenience with similar output. 5 years back in 2015, people were used to working on the shrunken version of the desktop site on your phone. It was more of pinching and zooming to view anything but it wasn’t an optimal experience.

Google also rolled some changes to search engine algorithms that time which now factor in a website’s mobile presence as a ranking signal. Search results certainly would be reflective of either all the factors working in favour or stumping the growth.

How Progressive Web Apps Can Help Uplift E-commerce Business?

Some Options to Build Ecommerce Store Using PWA

After understanding the utility of Progressive Web Apps, here are some platforms that go well with PWA’s:

Conclusive: Why is PWA’s so Important to Build an E-Commerce Platform?

Progressive Web Apps come with some technical advantages that translate into direct business benefits – with a lot of offline capabilities (that hybrid apps or native apps) do not have, having the pre-caching with service workers capability makes for a fast, smooth shopping experience.  PWA audits in Chrome DevTools (Google Lighthouse) allow you to spot & fix performance issues quickly. These also help boost user engagement metrics that can be a prominent SEO ranking signal. It subsequently reduces the development budget as this single application has the features of the web as well as mobile apps. If you’re looking at how to create progressive web apps for your business, contact our experts and discuss your needs.