
How to Deliver High-Performance Mobile Apps Faster?

With more than 235 million people accessing the Internet via mobile phones across the globe and global app downloads to surpass 200 Billion by the end of this year, enterprises are getting abreast with creating high-performance mobile apps that will meet consumer’s requirements faster than ever. As mentioned by a principal Research Analyst at Gartner, Adrian Leow, “The struggle to be proactive against competitive pressures is resulting in their mobile apps becoming tactical, rather than strategic.”

Clearly, enterprises who hire mobile app development agencies or freelancers to build their business app, the speed of delivery must be an important factor to consider. Along with ensuring the highest level of quality, reducing the overall development time is a must. You never know when your competitors release a smart and useful enterprise app and get ahead in the race, and your work is still under progress. So keeping it quick and fast is an urgency now.

Fast delivery of apps means smart and effective business analysis, rapid development and agile quality testing. Every process involved in creating an app must be swift and speedier. But the concern is how do we do that.

There are potential tools and frameworks, which used, can certainly help you create faster mobile apps. Further, adoption of agile methodology during the development accelerate the process.

Here are few tips to speed up the delivery of enterprise mobile apps:

Make app a priority: For most enterprises, developing a mobile app must be a priority. If not the concerned organization, hire an outside agency that is wholly dedicated to building mobile apps. Prioritize your app development process such that you don’t have to compromise with the quality and delivery time. Contact an expert third-party, mobile app development company today as they give you better insights into building the application, understanding the needs of your business and providing best-in-class results.

Encourage use of RMAD tools: Rapid Mobile App Development is the buzzword. Extracting the meaning from its name, the term involves new ways of developing apps faster than what it usually takes. It is said that for a firm having limited skilled app developers, RMAD tools are most useful. However, this is not so. Even if the number of developers is large, including Rapid mobile app development will benefit your delivery time to a great extent.

RMAD tools are revered for providing end-to-end capabilities like backend integration, virtualization technologies, BaaS platform, UI builders, HTML5/Hybrid apps, Form -based tools, early prototyping, reuse the software components, simple drag-and-drop environment with less coding or sometimes no-coding at all and others. The average app development time using RMAD tools reduces to 60-90 days from 6-8 months. Some examples of RMAD tools are Telerik Icenium, Xamarin Monotouch, Buzztouch, Socialize AppMakr, RunRev LiveCode.

Embrace bimodal IT approach: Gartner’s bimodal IT approach poses great advantages while dealing with stability and agility of the process together. This model is still considered a sustainable solution for enterprises. It is the practice of emphasizing on two separate modes of delivery at one time. In mobile app development, bimodal method creates an agile API layer and optimizes mobile integration simplifying the process of connecting apps to several types of data sources.

For a faster app development, Konstantinfo has an experienced and proficient team of technical professionals who use up-to-date tools and frameworks. Their team is trusted for delivering exceptional apps in shortest span.

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