Tag Archives: mobile apps

Helpful Resources / 06.07.2017

Tourism industry has reached the time when it should be taken to the next level of user engagement and penetration and this is only possible by empowering its communication and reach with the help of mobile app development.

Helpful Resources / 23.11.2016

Mobile phones have graduated from being just a means of communication to a necessary part of everything we do in our life. From calculating the number of calories to falling asleep to music, the whole day of a modern man/woman revolves around a mobile phone. These tendencies drive trends, making mobile apps become a must-have for businesses looking to stay relevant to modern user needs.

Mobile App Development / 26.03.2019

Here are the incredible guide on how to choose the right app development firm

Mobile App Development / 31.05.2016

Newspaper, TV, Radio, etc. are old fashioned channels for connecting people to media and entertainment stuff but after brewing with technology, the folks are engaged and connected with the industry more than ever.

Mobile App Development / 24.05.2016

Has mobile-first already been outdated? If yes, then why? What’s the new mobile trend now. You will get answers to all these questions as you read through.

Mobile App Development / 21.04.2016

Android and iOS both are very picky in selecting the apps for their app stores. We can say that there is the flood of applications to get available for mobile users. It becomes very necessary and tough too, to choose great apps in the race. It’s a challenging part for marketers to understand what the customers want followed by the standard guidelines of mobile app platforms.

Mobile App Development / 04.04.2016

Are you ever reminded of the days when we contemplated on how to connect with our friends far away? There was a time when we imagined how great it would be if we could buy households sitting at home. And now, everything is real. It’s a matter of few clicks and your life is too easy and convenient. From desktops to pagers to laptops to mobile phones, we have come a long way in technology.

Mobile App Development / 01.04.2016

Build an app, so much attractive and engaging, that the users will get more addicted to their smart devices. In some way, users get dependent on smartphones because of the massive available range of dynamic and attractive mobile applications for mundane activities.

Mobile App Development / 23.03.2016

Again, to start with, the inevitable reality is that how our lives incline towards mobile phones/smartphones, and the truth is- we live in a mobile first world. More dominantly, it’s a Mobile App-steered realm where the demand for mobile apps is staggering. From established organizations (government or private) to budding startups to individual businesses, all call for a serviceable mobile app to engage a large number of customers.

Emerging Technologies / 03.03.2016

Internet of Things is no more the next, but a big thing now as IDC anticipates the IoT market to reach 7.1 Trillion dollars globally by the end of 2020. Moving ahead with such huge numbers, enterprises today are keen to connect their business with the IoT devices.

Mobile App Development / 09.02.2016

Prototyping is simply a planning phase that what you strictly require doing in your project. it is planning of those gears which you wish to execute in your project.