7 Reasons That You Require an Enterprise App Store

Let’s face it, the enterprise app store is burgeoning notably, and is great for the better prospects of the business and enterprise in future. Find out the reasons that increase the requirement of an enterprise app store.

The consistent increase in the number of mobile apps on diverse app stores has made it quite difficult for an enterprise to take a cautious care of the data security. Simultaneously, there is also a belief that using these general mobile and PC platforms may lead to vicious wares that can cause a huge harm to data as well as the device.

Considering this threat, there are a number of companies that have started to prefer enterprise app stores to secure their data and extract the significant results. Also, it has been figured out from a survey that by 2017, most of the enterprises would prefer to make the enterprise app store as their part. The concept of the enterprise app store has significantly burgeoned in these recent years, and in these years, it has authorized many companies to assimilate licensing compliance, productivity of the employee, mobile app security, etc. in their BYOD or bring your own device initiatives and enterprise mobility.

For IT departments who try to manage their app use or outlaw some due to the security reasons, having and maintaining a customized enterprise app store is extremely beneficial. Below are some fundamental elements that explain why an enterprise app store required? Take a look.

1. Enterprise app store makes it certain to the IT department that all the apps have been inspected well and are free of any kind of spyware and security threats.

2. It makes sure that the IT employees download only spyware-free and quality apps so that the IT personnels can become free to discuss other pressing issues.

3. The Company can make sure with the help of enterprise app store that employees download only those apps which are in proper accordance with the corporate security policies of the company.

4. The enterprise app store has the ability to enable the distribution of the app among a certain user group defined by the organization.

5. The companies which have IT regulations, like SOX, an enterprise app store helps them in informing that who and when has accessed which app at what time.

6. A few of enterprise app stores also incorporate pointers to some verified apps in the public stores for a proper visibility in both private and public app stores.

7. The rating system in the enterprise app store can also enable you to get feedbacks from the users and how the app is actually being used, liked or disliked.

As a matter of fact, the enterprise app store is going to become more and more crucial in the coming times, enabling the productivity of the employees, especially those who accept BYOD willingly. Other than the employee productivity, there are some more benefits, like data storage and security, data tracking, and various other advantages that enterprise app store offers, therefore for better business prospects, it is essential to use the enterprise app store.

About Author
Vipin Jain

Vipin Jain

Vipin Jain is the Co-Founder and CEO at Konstant Infosolutions and is in charge of marketing, project management, administration and R&D at the company. With his marketing background, Vipin Jain has developed and honed the company’s vision, corporate structure & initiatives and its goals, and brought the company into the current era of success.



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