HTML5 Game Engine

HTML5 Game Engine is very much in trend as it doesn’t require applications like Flash & frames or any kind of plug-ins or APIs for support.

HTML5 is a mark-up language. It is used for building websites and content and technology for the internet. It is the fifth version of the actual HTML. It has been revised and developed to support the latest multimedia features that a website holds. It is readable not only by the humans but also by the machines. It is very user-friendly.  HTML5 has been designed so that it can be used on devices like the smart phones and tablets. It has been designed so that there is merely no requirement of heavy Application programming interfaces also commonly called the API. As it has been developed to be so compatible and light, it is used to develop games that can be played on smart phones, computers or tablets.

HTML5 Game Engine became successful, as it did not require heavy applications like the Flash. It does not require any kind of plug-ins or APIs for support. Because of the good codes that have been developed, it makes it easier to run multimedia files and graphic content on the web. The content is much faster and easier to execute. In Short, it comes with all the tags and features that help in running heavy content on low powered devices as well.

There were initial hiccups as many browsers were not supporting it, eventually it was noticed and necessary steps were taken. Today it runs successfully on all the browsers. The good feature about it is that it is not dependent on a certain device, it is simple to understand and loads much faster than earlier versions.

HTML5 is being used to write games by the developers nowadays. When creating a game, a developer has to calculate things before hand like, create a framework, as for developing a game various different kinds of audio and images will be loaded. Another thing that has to be kept in mind nowadays is the animation. The animation will be run on different kind and versions, apparently old versions of browsers.  Developers also has to keep in mind that most of the people use more of small devices like their smart phones and tablets, and these devices are mostly touch screens and small.

HTML5 Game Engine acts as a boon to the developers. It provides various varieties of framework that a developer can choose from depending on the sound effects and images that he is adding. Plus considering the devices on which he wishes his game will be used to pass time. Many developers have said to have a very interesting experience, as they have been able to be more innovative with the help provided because of HTML5. It has been rated as a great platform for writing games, as it is easy, and has a tremendously great runtime. It provides with tools and frameworks that when used nicely make the hard work as greatly rewarding.

Today there are various HTML5 Game Engines available for development. SmoothStep2D Framework, Quintus Engine, Colbalt Calibur3, DivSugar, J3D, Game Maker HTML5 are the names of some of the variants available.

About Author
Manish Jain

Manish Jain

Manish Jain is the co-founder and Managing Director at Konstant Infosolutions. He is responsible for the overall operations of the company and has played a major role in bringing Konstant up from its humble beginnings and, with his immense energy and drive, transforming it into a globally trusted name in IT solutions.



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