5 Points to Consider Before Buying or Downloading WordPress Themes

Your website’s theme is one of the first things your viewers will notice about your website. Make sure you leave a good impression on them. Here are a few points to consider before purchasing or downloading a Wordpress theme for your website.

Deciding the theme for your website is a process that requires much thought and deliberation. There are various bases to cover relating to the style, goals, target audience, etc. and all of these bases need to be covered while deciding what kind of theme is best suited to your purposes. Here are a few pointers that will come in handy for those who are unsure of what theme to purchase or download from WordPress.

Does the design accentuate the purpose of your website?

Apart from aesthetics, the main purpose of a WordPress theme is to compliment the reason for your website’s existence. Take the time to think about how the design will impact your viewers and the kind of impression it will leave in terms of your purpose and goals. In case of a blogging website, you would be better off with a simple design with lots of white space and clear cut dimensions for displaying your text. On the other hand, if your website is an eCommerce store, you would need a while different theme with high level functionality and options.

Is the theme responsive or mobile friendly?

Irrespective of whether you want to run a simple blog operation or an enterprise level website, it is an absolute must that your website be mobile friendly. A good percentage of your target audience will access your website on a smartphone or tablet and you need to be ready to serve them. Make sure the theme you pick out coverts to the mobile screen in a smart way. If your primary goal is displaying information in text, focus on a theme that adapts your text well on the mobile screen. On the other hand, if your information is mostly graphic, you would be better off with a responsive design that displays graphics in a clear and concise manner.

Does the theme contain the administrative functions you require?

This is an especially important point for non-developers or people who are unfamiliar with coding technology. WordPress is most sought after for its easy to use functions. Find a theme that provides you with these functions without the need to delve into the messy world of PHP, CSS or JS. When selecting a theme, tinker around to see if it gives you options to change header images, logos and colors and allow for the implementation of tools like Google Analytics, Social media pinups, payment gateways, etc. Ensuring that your theme supports such functions will give you more control over your website without having to hire outside help for coding needs.

Is it worth the price?

While the WordPress libraries are filled to bursting point with free themes, it is often very hard to find the perfect theme with the right balance of functionality and aesthetics for free. If you are going for a paid theme, figure out of it offers you the best bang for your buck. While the price can range from $20 to $100, most themes in the range of $60-$80 should suffice for most online businesses. However, if you are planning on shelling out that amount, make sure it comes with all the features that are required for your business.

Updates and tech support

If you decide to pay for a theme, make sure that you clarify for the future. It is unreasonable to assume that you have to pay for future updates and tech support. Do not go for themes that ask you to shell out extra cash for updates and support.


The perfect theme for your website is one which subtly accentuates the websites functionality in a way that aligns with the purpose of your business. Your theme is one of the first things your viewers will notice about your website. Make good impressions in order to garner a better following.

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About Author
Vipin Jain

Vipin Jain

Vipin Jain is the Co-Founder and CEO at Konstant Infosolutions and is in charge of marketing, project management, administration and R&D at the company. With his marketing background, Vipin Jain has developed and honed the company’s vision, corporate structure & initiatives and its goals, and brought the company into the current era of success.



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