AngularJS – GenX JavaScript Framework

If you are not experienced with AngularJS yet, you’re missing out on why expert says JavaScript is the most flexible and effective language in the IT domain.

Angular framework is exactly like icing on the cake for MVC.

In order to making “AngularJS” a choice, we need to beware of the monolithic code which overburdens website and thus makes it slow. Moreover, people might think that it is just another framework like Knockout.js and Backbone.js.

In this Blog we will see how AngularJS is far effective and productive than what we think of it.

Many of the frameworks nowadays are generally a bunch of existing tools. The Frameworks are unified tool set, but not very elegant. However, changes are the universal fact that’s why a new framework “AngularJS” comes in real time IT standards and considered as next generation framework where each tool is designed to work with other tool in an interconnected way.

AngularJS is developed with the immense belief that declarative programming is better suited to defining application logic and should only be utilized for designing user interfaces and concatenating software components. AngularJS’s two-way-data-binding technique allows automatic synchronization of model and views. It is also extends the traditional HTML to the Dynamic content.

Information technologists have been switching themselves to the client side MVC framework which actually increased the productivity and maintainable code. AngularJS is one of very technically sounded framework that reduces the business logic in the browser and doesn’t trade off with a thin loading. Also there would be dead ends for more and more logic being executed in the browser.

AngularJS for Mobile Applications:

AngularJS is simple and scalable applications so far with immensely sophisticated features in order to resolve complex business requirement. Angular JS utilizes all the latest tools and technologies with industry experience and allows to developing cost effective mobile applications. It is more expository and easy to maintain.

AngularJS is itself proclaimed superheroic JavaScript framework as It resolves one of the major concern of Android and iPhone app developers is that the objects on the sever side are not represented the same on the client side and also the difficulty arises as the level of complexity increases. As a result, this will leads to the terminology issues.

Thus, it becomes hard to manage the complexities but in AngularJS there are ngResource in which services are being created that gets up to REST APIs and reverts back major concern of objects on the sever that object in JSON and further methods can be bifogated to make it a completely functional object. Moreover, programmers are having get(), save(), update() methods that maps to REST API and that too without putting in much efforts.

Future Era:

Mainly two features were discovered from the 1.4 release i.e. Component helper and the component oriented hierarchical router. Later on these two releases were derived from 1.5 releases as these two were not able to simplify the migration path from 1.4. AngularJS is a complete package of technicalities which will become the choice of every Java Script developer for sure.

This is not just a belief, it is fact; a strong fact

Hence, it is worth mentioning that AngularJS has become the language of choice for development, especially for client-side development due to following advantages

Advantages of using AngularJS:

> Smart Change Detection

> Increase the browser based application with MVC (Model, View and Controller) which makes the development and testing process simple and quick

> Dependency Injection leverages developers to ask for dependencies rather than look for them

> Comes with complete unit as well as e2e testing environment

> MVC design pattern accelerates development process.

> Provides robust, testable and flexible application with Professional Programming Practice and browser compatible.

> Custom widgets can be built with the help of directives

> Superior web templates by simply expanding HTML vocabulary

> Less code = Better Productivity and Maintainability

> Less code = Less bugs

> Directives are the future (modularity, complexity isolation)

> Built in routing for SPA, perfect for mobile apps

> Powerful form management

Example: Designing My note with using AngularJS

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myNoteApp" ng-controller="myNoteCtrl">
<h2>My Note</h2>
<textarea ng-model="message" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
<button ng-click="save()">Save</button>
<button ng-click="clear()">Clear</button>
<p>Number of characters left: <span ng-bind="left()"></span></p>
<script src="myNoteApp.js"></script>
<script src="myNoteCtrl.js"></script>


About Author
Manish Jain

Manish Jain

Manish Jain is the co-founder and Managing Director at Konstant Infosolutions. He is responsible for the overall operations of the company and has played a major role in bringing Konstant up from its humble beginnings and, with his immense energy and drive, transforming it into a globally trusted name in IT solutions.



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