‘May – Fair’ Beau Idéal Activities @ Konstant

Activities are out. Summers are in. Let the fun of a ‘New’ month begin!

“I don’t have time”, “I have some pending assignments”, and “I have a release scheduled late evening”….most of the folks were extremely busy, completing their scheduled tasks much faster to be able to depart on time.

We got together in the cafeteria with To-Go Meals, chatted and shared experiences. Loved being able to share a bit of ourselves with the team and build deeper connections. Now we know each other better, walls are crumbling, questions are flowing, and true friendships are forming – and all of that will allow us to work even better together. That’s what it is all about!

Oh, Those Last Minute Approvals!

Weekends often get tedious with managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling builds and releases. It often cuts open into various sub-stages, where last-minute approvals conceal the forefront.  Then all builds have different build numbers and it all originates from a source code repository like GIT.

All things considered, we believe that the deployment process is a culture that we have aligned with our day to day priorities. So we trust that if we release the build on Friday’s, it’s going to be easy when new code is piping to production.

What you cannot skip?

Instead of saying, “I don’t have time”, try saying, “I’m not working on my personal growth, my concience, my health because it’s NOT a priority” and see how that feels? It feels uncomfortable, doesn’t it?

From negotiating with the clients, bargaining a deal, engaging in numerous discussions, rectifying bugs,  changing a development approach to roiling on with best development strategies – Agile, DevOps, Waterfall, RAD, we often combine the elements of each method that work best for the team and current project, this statement couldn’t be further from truth.

You really don’t have time.
But what impression do you think it gives out?
We usually say “I don’t have time” when we are being asked to do something we don’t want to do, that it is outside of our comfort zone.
If it doesn’t sit well that’s the point.
Time is a choice.
To seek help and support is a choice.
If you want the best for your people to deliver for your business/task/project/job, it starts with you.

Our way of mentoring our folks is by raising standards in operation and prioritize the people better in the business.

Even if you don’t feel like being lucky to have this job, make it worth your time and efforts. Strive everyday to the point, to not let anyone diminish your accomplishments, take pride in the fruits of your labour, and recognize the things you are lucky to have and things you earned.

Games @Konstant

Saying this, we commenced our Monthy Activities with chirpy conversations, games, snacks, lucky wheel, music, and lot of fun to go with.

Pass the Ball

It was a tough team building game, where a group of people had to attempt passing a table tennis ball between themselves as quickly as possible, and drop it into the bucket. If they flout, they had to repeat the process. This activity required a fair bit of space, reasonably active participants, two tennis balls, and Paper-sheet strips (one for every participant).

Two teams with three players each had to complete against each other passing the ball through paper-pipe, without letting it fall from the other end. Once the ball nears the end, the players should pro-act and reach at the other end to secure the ball. They had to repeat the process, until they reach the bucket kept at the other end of the room.

Keeping The Balloon Afloat

It started with 5-6 members per team. A balloon was given to each team, and they had to keep it afloat – up in the air by giving it is gentle blow. As each team member was called out in the circle, stressing out on the importance of every member’s role to keep the balloon up in the air. The group which stays longer turns up to be the winner.

These games were followed by a round of Table Tennis, and Foosball.

Lucky Dip Winners

Twisting the lucky wheel to draw two lucky winners (every one present in the room had an equal chance of being selected)

  • Gaurav P.
  • Ankit S.

Rolling Out

Become friends with people who necessarily aren’t your age. Hang out with people whose first language isn’t the same as yours. Get to know someone who doesn’t come from your social class. This is how you see the world. This is how you grow.

Wherever you are in your journey – irrespective of your hopes, dreams, or inhibitions, we’ve always got a space for you here.

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