July Monthly Activities @ Konstant Infosolutions

From lifting creative spirits and getting our social juices flowing, the great thing about this happy hour is that it comes every month to get fun-loving office culture to go on!

Sometimes we simply need to clear the deck, chuck on some deodorant and adorn a jazzy magician’s shirt…it can’t be all work and no play! That breeze of fresh air, the clique of friends, and the rain was much needed! Watching some fun activities, breathing in fast-track music – delicious!

Life is filled with stressors and responsibilities. Of course, it is, just because life gets serious, doesn’t mean we have to.

If you want your life to be more fun, you’re going to have to start with you – being silly and playful is a lot of fun, so who cares who’s watching!

It’s easy to get stuck in our heads, overthink, and just generally not live in the moment, stop and smell the coffee!

If you want to see the silver lining, be happier, more positive, and have more fun to keep the soul young 100%.

We have multiple aspects of who we are and what shapes our respective identities. Some days life lines up and we’re crazy efficient and effective. Some day’s life comes crashing in and it brings detours.

Every detour teaches us something. Any roundabout in the usual plan teaches us to better mind the details. But this happy hour taught us to not worry so much about the details and just be.

Gaming Zone @ Konstant

These party games had a low barrier to entry, anyone and everyone were invited to play! Unlike skills-based games, these activities made everything more fun, less stressful, and happier. It was a refreshing way to bond as a work team. It made coworkers experience a new environment that spruced up the occasion and kept people engaged.

Cheater Mentos and Spoon Race

Participants had to balance Mentos (Candy) on the spoon and walk up to their partner on the other end of the room, who was also holding an empty spoon. Participant A had to transfer their Mentos to participant B from spoon to spoon without hand. Participant B had to walk to the other end of the room, and the team that finishes first was the winner.

Suck it up | Straw and Gems Game

Two participants were given a paper cup each, one straw each, and an equal number of gems. The goal was to suck one gem from the straw and drop it into the paper cup. The one with more gems won the game.

straw and gems game

Chinese Whisper

10 players formed a line. A new person came up with a set of four actions and enacted it to the 10th player. All other players were facing the opposite directions and were unaware. Following the sequence, the 10th player enacted it to the 9th one, the 9th one enacted it to the 8th one, the 8th one enacted it to the 7th one, the 7th one enacted it to the 6th one, the 6th one enacted it to the 5th one, 5th one enacted it to the 4th one, 4th one enacted it to the 3rd one, 3rd one enacted it to the 2nd one, 2nd one enacted it to the 1st one, and the first one had to enact it in front of everyone only to realize the similarity between what was initially conveyed and how the message got distorted till it reached its final destination. Everyone had a hearty laugh at the innocent act.

Lucky Wheel Winners

  1. Prakash S.
  2. Niranjan S.

Pretty Much We Could Ask for – That’s [Just] Not Enough

The taste-seeking crowd met, enjoyed games and the meal together. Konstant’s Happy Hour is an interesting way to tap into nostalgia, which allows coworkers and employees to reminisce and bond over their childhood. Have a blessed month ahead, cheers!!

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