March Month Fun Activities @ Konstant

That thing you’ve been procrastinating on…being carefree, being a showstopper, being crazy, networking, being visible, making a difference - let today be the day!

There is a reason so many people take part in this monthly trend. Individuals are overwhelmed with feeling two things: (1) The need to “be somebody” and (2) The need to “get somewhere”.  They are under the illusion that by proving to the world they are productive – the above two goals are accomplished. And they couldn’t be further from reality. Because there’s a fine line between being productive and burning out.

Some of us have been on both sides. We’ve seen clients on both sides. But that version of us is not making us “more productive”. It’s causing us to live in a state of doing, doing, and more doing.

And hard truth – but when that “doing” stops…

  • We can’t function properly
  • We think we’ve failed
  • We feel inadequate
  • We burnout

So being “overly productive” has its limits.

We’re happy to share with you the right mindset to not only be productive but to manage what productivity looks like in your life. Here’s a gist of how we swerved our last work week into fun and game!

Cup – Ball – Paper

A game that asks players (a side each, in fact) to be a little ambidextrous, as they alternate and shuffle to hastily cycle through colorful paper slips and ultimately catch the ball on the referee’s call! Pink  – Orange – Green – Blue – Catch! The player who follows the instructions catches that colorful paper, and also covers the ball with their paper cup first becomes the winner.


Balloon Pyramid

Two players had to blow up a balloon to carry cups from the center of the table to create a 6-cup pyramid without using their hands. If any cups fall, those cups must be picked up and placed back at the starting point. The one who stacked up first without fail was chosen as the winner. 

balloon-pyramid balloon-paramid

Magic Rope

This involved two players at a time. Two equal pieces of ribbons were tied on their wrists in a way that looked tangled. Two of them had to untangle it. The team that did it first was the winner.

Musical Chair

It involved players competing for a decreasing number of chairs, the losers in successive rounds being those unable to find a chair to sit on when the accompanying music stopped. Someone played the music and players walked around the perimeter of the chair circle. When the music stopped, everyone must immediately sit in a chair. The one person left standing was out. One chair was removed every time the music stopped.  It continued until one chair and two players were left.

magic-rope magic-rope

All winners received Dairy Milk!

Lucky Spin

Wheels of names picked random names in the monthly raffle draw. Two lucky winners were awarded movie tickets. Congratulations to:

(1) Nitesh P.

(2) Sandeep K.

In The End

A motivated team (individual) can move mountains, but the reverse of it can be catastrophic. There can be two types of people – One who wishes to uplift others and one who wishes to extract from others. One who wants to give more, or the one who always wants more. One who always gives others the credit. Or the one who always wants more credit. One who finds meaning in making others win. Or the one who runs on the shoulders of others to win. Do you visualize yourself as a future leader? Let today be the day, start thinking that way!!

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