September Monthly Activities @ Konstant

Sometimes we spend the whole meeting wondering how they got the big meeting table through the door. If that’s a deal, it’s time to take a break!

Most of us were nervous.

Right before we walked through the front door, HR could tell we needed a pause.

Did we have 1000 things waiting for us at work? Of course.

But that could wait. Emails could wait. Meetings could wait. Work fires can wait.

Being there to attend the once-in-a-month activity, one of the biggest things for our small prestigious organization couldn’t wait.

Were we in control of our day?

Most often we have this feeling of getting to the end of the day, being completely wiped out, but feeling like we accomplished nothing.

Yeah, everyone feels like that at some point.

Until we knew better.

As humans, our cognitive abilities and emotions fluctuate throughout the day.

Sometimes we’re primed for that heads down, laser-focused, super important work.

Other times, the creative juices are flowing and ideas and words spring forth without effort.

And they’re always the dreaded trough – that’s not good for much of anything except deleting emails, completing reports and folding socks.

Knowing when we’re at our best, and scheduling accordingly can make a world of difference to our productivity.

It’s Monday! A new day, a new week, a new opportunity to make things happen! Monday is a mindset.

We’re back from the weekend activity, ready to tackle this month stronger than before!

We can either have negative thoughts about it being a full work month, skipping the weekends, and not wanting our vacation to end, or positive ones and head into the week with excitement ready to accomplish our goals. We’ll choose the latter!

Look what we did this weekend!

Looking for great ways to help people learn how to work together, listen carefully, communicate clearly, and think creatively, the HR team arranged just the perfect assortment of indoor games for fun-savvy and competitive teams like ours!

Balloon Race

Two individuals were given one-one deflated balloon each. They had to inflate it, hold it within their legs and reach the other end of the room. Following the same, they have to come back to their starting point. The person who accomplished it earlier was the winner.

Blowing Paper Cups with Balloon

Two individuals, standing across two separate tables were given an equal number of paper cups and a deflated balloon. They had to inflate the balloon and slide it off the paper cup from the edge of the table. The fastest person wins the game.

Challenging Paper Cup Ball Game

Walk, Dodge, Win. Multiple groups of 6-8 people each were competing against each other. Members were holding hands (from behind) in a group. Every member had to hold one plastic ball, proceed to the table kept in another part of the room, toss the ball into a paper cup individually and repeat the process until all balls were over. The team who finishes the balls first won the game.

All games were aimed to improve communication, motivate and boost the morale of the  employees.

Lucky Draw Winners

  1. Pradyumn K.
  2. Rahul D.

It’s been 19+ years since its inception, and we could all see Konstant Infosolutions bloom, taking great care of inclusivity, and gender diversity. We have a diversified culture and its values motivate every single individual and give enough opportunities to gain extra cents of leadership skills.

Directors @ Konstant Infosolutions contrive, “Don’t allow anyone else to control your mindset! If you work mids as we do, you will find yourself getting ready for work when the majority are finishing up their day. Represent your department and yourself with a smile each day and every day! Don’t allow the problems of the world to influence your thought process! Be that positive light to help others get through their struggles!

Be blessed! Have a great month ahead!!!

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Dedicated to keep you updated with our empowering organizational ideas, board announcements, key information and insightful resources based on various trends and developments, that are valuable to you as an aspiring business and an avid audience.



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