Interview with Glenn W.
the President at
on 28th May. 2019

They're good, honest people who deliver what they promise.

Validated by:

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Both the app and the website work perfectly. Although Konstant Infosolutions worked remotely, they were always accessible for questions and concerns. They offered helpful advice, shared creative ideas, and delivered fantastic results.

  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • =


Please describe your company and your position there.

I'm the president of an online laundry service.


For what projects/services did your company hire Konstant Infosolutions?

We needed an app and a website.

What were your goals for this project?

We wanted to create an app that was simple and easy-to-use, both for the customer and for us.


How did you select this vendor?

We searched many reviews online, and theirs were the best.

Describe the project in detail.

They created an app and website that allowed our business to expand rapidly.

What was the team composition?

I originally dealt with a business analyst who did a great job understanding my project and starting it. I later worked with a product owner, who completely understood what I wanted to do and saw the project to completion.

Results & Feedback

Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

The app and website work flawlessly.

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

Although we were far apart geographically, it seemed like they were right around the corner. They were always there when I had questions or suggestions, and we had a free flow of ideas. The development team helped me and offered constructive advice.

What did you find most impressive about this company?

They're good, honest people who deliver what they promise. I was originally nervous about dealing with a company so far away, but getting in touch with them was never an issue. I've dealt with companies in my own city that weren’t nearly as accessible as them.

Are there any areas for improvement?

Honestly, they handled everything beautifully.

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Get in touch with us and discuss the needs and requirements of your project.


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