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Heena Banga

Heena Banga

Heena Banga is a Senior Content Developer at Konstant Infosolutions- a globally recognized mobile application development company. She leads marketing and growth initiatives at the company using a mix of technical and business content tactics. Heena also contributes articles to CrowdReviews, OpenSourceForU, Sociableblog, ducttapemarketing, PAYMILL blog. She hopes to enjoy a business conversation onboard a commercial space flight someday. Her ultimate goal is to combine business and writing and go into Advertising.

Latest Technology Posts

Mobile App Development / 04.05.2017

Here are reasons why you should create your own emoji keyboard app like KeyMoji that say it all without words.

Mobile App Development / 21.04.2017

Digital healthcare has brought disruption to the market and holds a bright future in the years to come. While we never imagined medical industry to grow this way that we can find a doctor through our handheld device, it’s an absolute miracle.

Digital Marketing / 21.07.2016

As per Google, 97% of users worldwide access the Internet to search for brands and local businesses and the services they offer. If the major portion of your customers is online, you should certainly go online.

Helpful Resources / 11.04.2017

Is there such a thing as an affordable event app development? It is, only if you plan wisely and collaborate with a genuine, reliable development company.

Company News / 07.04.2017

Konstant Infosolutions adds another feather in the cap by receiving a 5-star rating for the excellent mobile app development service, by a client on AppFutura.

Web Design / 28.03.2017

There are a lot of new trends we look forward to and a lot that will continue to prevail in web development and design this year. We couldn’t resist sharing them with you.

Company News / 22.03.2017

We take immense pleasure in informing that our team will be visiting Kuwait City from Monday, 27th March – Friday, 31st March, 2017. With our top-notch services, strategic and solution-driven approach, we have built strong ties with innovative businesses in Kuwait.

Mobile App Development / 09.03.2017

2017 is going to be an exciting year with a more effective enterprise communication using the most modern AI technology-chatbots.

Company News / 07.03.2017

Konstant Infosolutions completes 14 years, plans to work on the next leading-edge technologies in web and mobile app development, in the years to come.

Mobile App Development / 25.01.2017

What’s that important activity you don’t miss in your day apart from sleeping, eating, bathing, brushing, gymming and work?

Mobile App Development / 20.12.2016

What’s incredible to hear is that by the end of 2016, there would be a total of 6.4 billion gadgets connected worldwide. These gadgets include tablets, smartphones, phablets, iPads, Internet of Things and other smart devices.


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