Angular Framework: Features, Use-Cases & Benefits

Get to know some details on the Angular framework here to squash the stigma of web development/mobile app development for single-page to large scale applications!

Angular is the Frontend framework powered by Google for mobile and desktop applications. Angular in general is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google, subsequent community and corporations. Angular is re-written over AngularJS. Most popular combinations include Angular with Java, Angular with TypeScript, Angular with Python, Angular with Django, Angular with PHP, Angular with firebase, Angular with MVC, Angular with .Net Core, Angular with Spring Boot, Angular with Node.js.

It is good to know: npm, Angular CLI, HTML and CSS, Angular Framework, TypeScript, RxJS, Git before starting with Angular.

See also: 

Angular Framework: Measured Portion

Points of ComparisonAngularJS
AuthorMisko Hevery
Type of TechnologyFully-featured MVC framework written in JavaScript. It is HTML-Centric
Concept of OperationBrings JavaScript into HTML works with real DOM
Tool Chain(Libraries)Low
Programming LanguagesTypeScript and Dart are language supersets of JavaScript. Angular JS is generally programmed in JavaScript, while Angular 2 provides example code in several languages like JavaScript, TypeScript and Dart; HTML
Learning CurveIt’s easy to learn and maintain
RenderingIt renders on the client-browser
DependenciesManages dependencies automatically
App ArchitectureMVC, component-based
Data BindingBi-Directional
Comprehensive TestingJavaScript (JS) is a dynamically typed language that comes with great power of expression, without any help from the compiler. This accentuates the need for testing in AngularJS. It involves considerations like testing libraries and test runners along with the Separation of Concerns (DOM and XHR Calls), Dependency Injection.
Community SupportGlobal community support
Applicable forBest for single-page applications that update many views at a time
DOMRegular DOM
SecurityProgrammers need to focus more on this point.
DocumentationAngularJS comes with clear and precise documentation –
Latest VersionStable release: 9.1.4 / 29 April 2020; This latest Version 9 moves all applications to use the Ivy compiler and runtime by default. Angular has been updated to work with TypeScript 3.6 and 3.7. (Updated June 2020)
Initial Release2010
Approximate Size (KB)500
Major ApplicationsSamsung Forward, Deutsche Bank Developer Portal, Google About, GitHub Community Forum, Delta, Microsoft Office Home, VMWare Clarity Design System, Santander, Forbes, Indiegogo, BMW Find a Dealer, BMW Driveaway Price Calculator, University of Utah, Health, Overleaf, Australian Department of Home Affairs, Zagat, LUIS – Microsoft Azure, Google Summer of Code, Google Marketing Platform, Google Digital Garage, Google Family Link, United Jetstream, Think with Google Market Finder Safeway Shop, Nasdaq Business, Grasshopper, Google Domains, FTC Identity Theft, E-Trade, Colgate, Blender Video, Ansible Galaxy, Adobe Fonts, Linkedin, Upwork, Netflix

Analyzing Major Angular Framework Features

  • Cross-Platform: Angular is used for developing applications across all platforms – web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop.
  • Maximum Speed: Angular can be used to achieve maximum speed on the web platform via web workers and server-side rendering.
  • Scalability: Angular mobile framework is scalable. It can help developers meet huge data requirements by building data models on RxJS, Immutable.js or another push-model.
  • Simple and Interactive: Angular UI Framework helps build features quickly with simple and declarative templates. It also helps extend the template language with your components and uses a wide array of existing components.
  • Help: Angular dashboard framework comes with immediate Angular-specific help and feedback with nearly every IDE and editor. This helps developers focus on building amazing apps rather than trying to make the code work.
  • Loved By All: Angular JavaScript Framework is loved by a large community. From prototype through to global deployment, Angular delivers the productivity and scalable infrastructure that supports Google’s largest applications.

Benefits of Angular Framework

  • Build PWA: Angular framework can be used to develop progressive web apps – that feature app-like experiences, high performance, offline and zero-step installation.
  • Build Native Apps: Angular framework for mobile can be used to build native mobile apps with strategies from Cordova, Ionic or NativeScript.
  • Build Desktop Apps: Angular desktop framework a good workaround for creating desktop apps across MAC, Linux, Windows making use of the same Angular methods in addition to the ability to access native OS Apps.
  • Turns Template into Code: Angular CSS framework can turn the template into code which is highly optimized for JavaScript virtual machine. This gives you all the benefits of hand-written code with the productivity of a framework.
  • It is Universal: Angular serves as the first view of your application on Node.js, .Net, PHP and other servers for near-instant rendering in just HTML and CSS. It also paves the way for sites that optimize for SEO.
  • Code Splitting: Angular open-source web application framework apps load quickly with the new Component Router, which delivers automatic code-splitting. The users are only able to load the code that is required to render the view they request.
  • Testing in Angular – Presence of dependency injection in Angular Framework helps perform testing by injecting mock/dummy data into the controller. This process is followed by the assessment of the output and its behaviour. Angular also has mock HTTP providers to push fake responses from servers into controllers.
  • Angular Material– Angular has in-built components such as navigation elements, layout, button, indicators, and data tables. Besides creating an appealing application interface, it develops applications like Google drive, Android OS, Gmail etc.
  • Angular & Single Page Applications – Angular helps retrieve the mandatory codes of JavaScript, CSS and HTML at one single instance when the page loads. All the complexities are easily handled, thus Angular can be the best option to create a single page business application.
  • Code Consistency and Robust Ecosystem – Angular CLI lets developers create initial projects, run tests and add various features in existing projects keeping the code consistent across platforms.
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MMVC) Architecture– Angular has combined MMVC architecture with 2-way data binding which makes it adapt to changes, even in large-scale applications.
  • Ivy Renderer – This is an Angular engine that is all about its super-optimized bundle size, loading speed and dynamic loading of components.
  • Active Angular Community – Angular comes with handy documentation, easy to access information and is easy to integrate for those who want to make the most of it.
  • Code-reusability – Angular eases developers enabling them to invest less time and effort for it lets them reuse codes and streamlines the development process.
  • Design Development Workflow – this eases the development work by not having to add markups during development instead corresponding elements can be moved around the code.
  • Easy to use – due to simple design architecture

Why Angular Framework is productive?

  • Angular Django REST framework works on templates – this helps in quickly creating the UI views with simple and powerful template syntax.
  • Angular Command Line Interface (CLI tools) – It helps in quick app creation, for adding components and tests and instant deployment.
  • IDE – Angular framework has intelligent code completion, instant error and feedback report generation in popular editors and IDE’s.
  • Testing – Angular web and mobile framework have Karma for unit tests to acquaint the developers about any mishaps in the application. The presence of protractor makes the scenario tests run faster and in a stable manner.
  • Animation – It is used to create high-performance, complex choreographies and animation timelines with minimal code through Angular’s intuitive API.
  • AccessibilityAngular JavaScript Framework can be used to create accessible applications with ARIA-enabled components, developer guides, and built-in a11y test infrastructure.

Angular Should Be Used For:

  • To create Video streaming apps like Youtube PlayStation
  • To develop e-commerce applications like T-Mobile
  • To build Real-time Data Application like
  • For coding User-generated Content Portals– Upwork and New York Times.
  • To create Websites such as The Guardian for the latest news and content

Angular Should Not Be Used For:

  • Websites with static content, with limited resources – as it vitiates the objective of scalability and flexibility.
  • It is also not suitable for gaming applications or highly interactive UI
  • It does not work well with complex mathematical analytics gaming applications

Compendium: Reasons to use Angular Framework for developing web and mobile applications

Angular is preferable for lightweight, fast and highly responsive applications. This Typescript-based framework enables creating interactive SPA’s that are clean, maintainable and easily testable. Secondly, 2-way data binding (synchronizing model and view layers of the application) helps developers make easy modifications to the app. Thirdly, optimized server communication eases the caching process in Angular as the response time to API calls is tremendously quick in the framework. This accounts for overall quick user experience and does not let the users wait until the app becomes completely interactive. Fourthly, the Angular framework employs the plain old javascript objects (POJO) Model to make the code structure handy, lightweight and independent. This eliminates the need to add complex functions or methods in programming. This as well eliminates the dependencies on external frameworks or plugins. This helps keep the code clean, easily modifiable and goal-oriented. Write to us to amplify the perspective on creating a mobile/desktop/web app with Angular framework.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some common use cases for Angular?

Angular is often used to build single-page applications (SPAs), where the user can interact with the application without the need for a full page reload. It is also commonly used to create real-time applications, such as chat applications or stock market tickers. Additionally, Angular can be used to build progressive web applications (PWAs), which provide a native-like experience on the web.

2. How does Angular compare to other front-end frameworks?

Angular offers several unique features that set it apart from other front-end frameworks. For example, Angular’s two-way data binding and component-based architecture make it easy to build complex applications. Additionally, Angular is well-suited for large-scale applications, with a powerful toolset for managing application state and optimizing performance. While other frameworks, such as React and Vue, offer their own unique benefits, Angular is a popular choice for developers looking for a comprehensive front-end framework.

About Author
Neeti Kotia

Neeti Kotia

Neeti Kotia is a technology journalist who seeks to analyze the advancements and developments in technology that affect our everyday lives. Her articles primarily focus upon the business, social, cultural, and entertainment side of the technology sector.



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