Interview with Adem S.
the Founder at Bella International Group
on 09th Mar. 2016

Android App Development for App Marketing Startup

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Konstant is outstanding...Their communication is perfect. I like them a lot.

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Project Summary

App Development

The client is a marketing startup that is using mobile applications to create loyalty programs for their clients, located in Qatar. This client was in need of a development partner because their team lacks a coding and programming background. In Qatar, there are not many development agencies. Using Clutch, this client looked to India to outsource their development work and found that Konstant Infosolutions met their project requirements best.

Feedback Summary

Feedback Summary

This client is extremely satisfied with their development partnership with Konstant Infosolutions. The client highly recommends Konstant Infosolutions for their strong communication throughout the project.


Please describe your organization.

I am a startup working to use mobile applications to create loyalty programs for marketing purposes.

What is your position?

I'm the CEO and founder.

Opportunity / Challenge

What business challenge were you trying to address with Konstant Infosolutions?

I'm not in the coding business and don't have a background in coding, so I needed a partner that could provide that for me. I live in Qatar, and it is difficult to find companies who can develop such products here.


Please describe the scope of their involvement in detail.

Konstant helped to deliver a product on the Android platform plus a website and back-end content management system.

How did you come to work with Konstant Infosolutions?

Actually, I used your website [Clutch]. I've never been to India, the United States, or the United Kingdom, but I researched companies in each country. I found many companies, but I chose India because they offered the most affordable services. Within India, I looked at maybe four or five companies.

Could you provide a sense of the size of this initiative in financial terms?

The app Konstant built cost around $43,000.

Result & Feedback

What distinguishes Konstant Infosolutions from other providers?

Konstant is outstanding. One thing that helped me was that the time difference was not too extreme. It is only around two and a half hours. It is easy for me to find that I can speak with them. Their communication is perfect. I like them a lot.

Is there anything Konstant Infosolutions could have improved or done differently?

I don't think so.

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