Interview with Neha S.
the Founder at DoNetwork LLC (DBA DoTells)
on 12th Jan. 2022

"Nonetheless, all the support during launch and afterward was nothing less than perfect."

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Konstant Infosolutions had launched the client's WordPress marketing website successfully and incoming users have liked it so far. The vendor was communicative throughout the project and they were ready to jump on calls right away. They also had a clear and organized process.

  • 5/5
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Please describe your company and your position there.

I am the founder of DoTells. DoTells helps people get reunited with their lost items by connecting them with its founders instantly, anonymously, and securely.


For what projects/services did your company hire Konstant Infosolutions, and what were your goals?

We hired Konstant Infosolutions to finish our Web and Phone applications as well as develop our Wordpress marketing website. Our goal was to complete the development phase for all three and launch.


How did you select this vendor and what were the deciding factors?

We were referred by a friend who had worked with Konstant Infosolutions in the past. After talking to the team at Konstant, we decided to go with them because of their prompt responses, their professional and clear communication, their team structure.

Describe the scope of work in detail, including the project steps, key deliverables, and technologies used.

After the initial hand of to the development team, the team first started to work on Web APP and Wordpress. There were weekly updates and forecasts were provided by the project manager. All the feedbacks were worked on the following week. Whenever and wherever there was confusion, we jump on a call fairly quickly and pulled in developers whenever needed. The phone App development process was also in a similar aspect.

How many resources from the vendor's team worked with you, and what were their positions?

A project manager, two phone APP developers, one Web APP developer, and two WordPress developers. All the team members were well connected with each other, which left minimal room for communication gaps.

Results & Feedback

Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?

Our goal was to complete the development and launch, which we were able to do perfectly. After launch, everyone loved our WordPress marketing website. We are still in our very initial phase of launch. Nonetheless, all the support during launch and afterward was nothing less than perfect.

Describe their project management style, including communication tools and timeliness.

Our project manager provided us with weekly updates and forecasts. Whenever there was a delay, we were notified promptly. And whenever there were questions, we jumped on calls right away and pulled in developers, if needed. We used Skype, zoom, google docs as well as screen/voice recordings.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

Clear and organized communication. Great collaboration between team members. Prompt responses. Always available to tackle any issue at hand.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

They were short on resources on the APP development side and so it pushed the completion date a bit. But we were informed about it from early on and our project manager kept us up to date on the process of APP development and reassured us that they were trying their best to complete the project.

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