Interview with William G.
the Founder at zactaibel1
on 02nd Nov. 2021

"They delivered exactly what we asked for and did their best to help us understand difficult concepts."

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Not only did Konstant Infosolutions deliver exactly what the client asked for, but they also took the time to explain difficult concepts and development milestones. Reliable and accommodating, they communicated effectively despite working remotely. They were supportive and timely throughout.

  • 5/5
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  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • 5/5
  • =


Please describe your company and your position there.

We are OneReceipt. We are aiming to deliver digital receipts to consumers all over the UK. This will be available via an app which the user will use to obtain and store their digital receipt that they collect. My role in this company is Co-director.


For what projects/services did your company hire Konstant Infosolutions, and what were your goals?

We were in the process of developing our MVP and we reached out to Konstant to assist us with our Proof of Concept.


How did you select this vendor and what were the deciding factors?

We did a lot of research into reputable companies that had done similar work to ourselves, the main factor in choosing Konstant was their price and experience.

Describe the scope of work in detail, including the project steps, key deliverables, and technologies used.

We were aiming to integrate with the POS systems Good Till and NCR. Using that we aimed to withdraw the receipt information and push to a dashboard that was also created by Konstant. In terms of the technologies used, a number of API's were uncovered and executed by Konstant and this allowed for our vision to come into fruition. Konstant took us through several development stages which included a discovery phase for the capabilities of the APIs from GoodTill and NCR. Then a scope of work was drawn up which included coding and development of the OneReceipt dashboard. The finished product was excellent.

How many people from the vendor's team worked with you, and what were their positions?

There were 3-5 people working with us at the time. Ayush, Yogesh and a number of others. They were part of the development team.

Results & Feedback

Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?

In terms of general feedback Konstant were excellent, Ayush took his time to explain concepts and development milestones to us and it was very helpful. Overall, they delivered exactly what we asked for and did their best to help us understand difficult concepts.

Describe their project management style, including communication tools and timeliness.

Communication happened mostly via Skype calls and emails. This was the best way to communicate due to Covid-19 lockdowns and the fact that we were based in the UK and Konstant are based in India.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

The independent work they do to help us get a grasp on difficult concepts.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

More communication regarding issues they were having with our development. More detail regarding what they were doing day to day.

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